That sounds cool, Fabienne!
Some of the Denver Brokies got together New Year's Eve. LauraGigs decided to go to Florida instead; imagine that! And brokebackjack and Katrina went to the symphony. So EDelMar, Offline Chuck, RodneyWY and I assembled at EDelMar's house for steak and cameraderie. EDelMar had to work late so we had to scale back a planned party, and it was very simple, but we did have the required greens for good luck, in addition to Yukon Gold potatoes topped with sour cream and caviar. Only I partook of the "fish bait" as one who will remain nameless called it. More for me!! For the entertainment part of the evening, I spread out a lambskin on the floor and did a Tarot reading for each of my friends. They all seemed to enjoy it, or else they were very polite and gentlemanly. There were fireworks at 9:30 downtown which we could hear very well and sort-of see thru the trees. We enjoyed each other's companionship until about 10:30 pm when I took my leave. I rushed home to ring in the New Year with my family, but they were all asleep in their beds!! And that's how I came to ring in 2009 right here on BetterMost, with my cat and a roaring fire to keep me company!!