Have you ever spent New Year’s Eve in the mountains?
Currently heading for the Austrian Alps, more precisely Carinthia, down on the border with Italy. My family and I set out on a short skiing getaway.
It’s a marvelous location. We’re staying at a hotel adjacent to the ski slope. It’s extremely convenient, as you step out of the building and hop into your skis right away. We used to visit that particular place every year for a couple winters, and stay up there through New Year’s Eve. Back then we would bring our friends along from Poland, and other families came through from Germany, Austria and France, so there was always enough people (those I’d already known and those just met) to throw a decent party. (Granted, the drinking age in Austria is 16.)
Nowadays, however, interest in family vacation has dropped off sharply among people of my age (myself included). For this reason, I decided to stay home during the Christmas break last year, when my family left for Austria. I didn’t regret my decision, as I went to a great party with my friends, but this time around I thought it’d be the only chance to practice my snowboarding, and, after all, NYE is just a party like any other. Plus, I get to unwind, stray from the mundane and grueling path of constant studying and mock exams, become suspended above ordinary affairs, right

What about you? Do you ski/snowboard? If so, where do you usually go?
(I like to think that Jack and Ennis did once spend NYE with each other. That would be so nice. I doubt Ennis would ever gather up the courage to meet up with Jack at Christmas, let alone the fact that he arguably wouldn’t miss the opportunity to spend the holidays with his girls.)