July 1978Aroma of brewing coffee, frying pan sizzling with fried potatoes and sausage, eggs aside for their turn in the pan as the sun rises over the ridge painted the peaks in morning colors. Bobby, his hair reaching for the sky in all directions, still in his bag begins to stir.
"Mornin' son...." Bobby lifts his head looking at Ennis.
"Grrrr.....mmmm........rrrrr." Bobby slowly stretches.
"Yer dad...he give me that same look...early in the mornin' .....sometimes...didn't always light up easy at the crack o' dawn....Ya hungry?"
"Rrrr.........mmmmm....." Bobby stretched. "What's that in the pan?"
"Spuds n' sausage....real breakfast...."
"Coffee ready?...rrrrr.....How comes the potatoes er red....?"
"Got a touch of chili powder in 'em...ad some flavor.....don't worry none, it not hot....sure ya wanna be drinkin' so much coffee...might stunt yer growth."
"Rrrr...don't think so....I'm two inches taller than Pop."
"We'll....all right then."
"Mmmmm.......rrrrr" Bobby eases himself to sit up, looks around, trees surrounding them, lush green green everywhere, chirping of birds in the trees. Sure is somethin' up here...you 'n Pop...whole summer...had this place ta yerselves...."
Ennis looks quitely down at the frying pan.
"You camped here the rest of the summer? ....sleep out here under the stars?"
Ennis slowly looks up. "See, one of us had the sleep up were the sheep wuz grazin'....lest ways were s'pose to....so after supper 'n sittin by the fire.,...Ah'd head on up ta the sheep....come back first light.....but sometimes.....sometimes Ah'd jus stay down here with yer daddy." Ennis looks down at the pan focusing on turning the potatoes. After a moment he looks up. "'N sometimes...after yer daddy wuz done with chores at camp....he'd hitch up the mules rid on up ta the sheep....'n and we's ride back ta supper together."
"Sure musta been nice ...up here everyday just ta yerselves.....no one ever come around?...."
"Just the feller from Agguires One of us would meet at the bridge once ah week like Ah said....'n Agguire once came one time ta tell yer daddy your uncle wuz sick...but mostly......just me 'n 'm up here" Ennis stirs the potatoes then turns the sausage grabs a plate. "Son yer foods ready....here get it while it's hot...eggs be ready in a minute..."