I currently have two horses, two dogs, three goats and two cats in the barn. I have had as many as sixteen cats but they keep running off to search for romance or get killed by coyotes or foxes. The two left are Pumpkin and Miss Kitty.. Miss Kitty is pregnant so I should have more "mousers" this summer.
The goats are Gilbert Gandolfini, a Swiss Taggenberg, Pedro Cruz, a nubian goat, and Bambi Bensinger, a miniature-mix who is crippled. My neighbors gave her to me. She got frost bite when she was born and lost parts of her rear legs. She gets along fine ,is very fast, but just slants a bit!
My dogs are K.D. Fang a tiger striped brindled hound mix who is old and deaf,but still very active, and Blue my Australian Cattle dog.
The horses are Pris (Jays Red Snip) and her son, L.B. (Tardys Rey Jay). I've had Pris since she was four. She is nineteen now. L.B. is five. They are both Foundation registered American Quarter Horses ( the horse of the American cowboy) which means they have very old bloodlines with less than 20% Thoroughbred ancestry.
I keep thinking about raising chickens, but not too sure I want to go there.