I don't want to ruin this chapter for anyone so I'm giving you fair warning.
I just want to say that I thought the conversation that Jack and Alma had was absolutely the conversation that they really would have had, had they met under these circumstances. I don't know how madlori does it, but she has kept these 2 stores so completely plausible that it is sometimes hard to separate them from the movie. I was just blown away by the whole conversation.
I do my reading at night so I haven't read chapter 8 yet, but I'm going to stick my neck out here and make a comment that I may have to eat later on! When she asks Jack "Does he say it to you?" and Jack says "Yeah. He does." (No explanation needed - they both know what she's talking about - we
all know what she's talking about.) Then Alma says "Well, that's that then. 'Cause he ain't never said it t' me."
I believe that Alma has finally reached the place where she can let Ennis go, and all the bad feelings for Jack, too, although maybe not on the spot.
I know I've been in that place before, where there's been anger, or love, or whatever that I just couldn't let go of, and all of a sudden something will happen, or someone will say something , maybe something that I've heard 20 times before, but the 21st time is the time that it just sounds different and it finally hits home, and things change. I think Alma is there now, which is why she didn't even bother to look up when Ennis and Jack came into the living room, sat on the couch next to each other and took each other's hand, "casual like it was any other day." Alma's over it - she's moving on.
Did anyone else get this feeling or do you think I'm way off course here?
For what it's worth.