Hello Bettermost friends!

I kept yesterday's picture because we've had the same weather today as yesterday! Ugh! I'm hoping that tomorrow's weather for the Brokie gathering is better, but I'll be prepared with an umbrella. LOL
Speaking of tomorrow, I need to get plans ready! I have no idea what time I'm picking up Lynne at Penn in Newark, or what time I'm picking up Teresa!

Nothing like waiting until the last minute! Lynnie!!!! Get here and tell me your plans!
I do need to put fresh sheets on my bed tomorow morning for Lynne, she'll be taking my room, and I'll be in the spare room. The spare room has a bigger bed, however, Blaze is the family's natural alarm clock, and at about 5:00am or so, he'll start to roam the hallway meowing until someone gets up. This noise can't be heard in my room, so Lynne will have peace and quiet.
I'll spend tonight and parts of tomorrow morning making sure everything is in place and neat and clean for when Lynne arrives.
Let's see, so far for the gathering we have:
CellarDweller (Chuck), MaineGirl (Sue), Jenny, Teresa, Andrew, Lynne, Aloysius J. Gleek (John) and I have messages out to both Desperadum (John) and Dave Cullen on DCF. Not sure if they both could make it, but I figured it doesn't hurt to ask.