Hiya BetterMost friends.

Yup, it is raining here today. I guess it's good it's so unseasonably warm, otherwise it would be snow. But since I like snow, that wouldn't have bothered me.

Bowling last night...........the less said about that, the better.

My first two games I couldn't even break 100. It was pretty pathetic. Thankfully I was able to rebound for the 3rd game and get a 129, which is my average.
Actually, I don't care for him a-tall, looks or otherwise. I find him annoying.
But everyone likes Elmo.
And I'm sorry I missed the documentary about the kid from Baltimore who grew up to be Elmo's muppeteer.
Oh, I think NPH is just so cute. I would love to make out with him.

As for Elmo, eh. It's a muppet, no big deal to me.
I do remember watching "The Muppet Show" on tv back in the day, some of the things they did on that show were hysterical. I used to have an audio tape of great TV theme shows, and that was one of the themes.
LOL at the Calvin gif! 
Lemme tell ya Sonja, that was just how I felt yesterday morning.
Hi there Chuck 
Guess you're just up for the day. Have a really good one. I got through it ok, and am off to bed. (It's 11.45 pm)
Oooops. Thought it was earlier there. 
You must already be at the office. Oh well. It's that much closer to finishing time then. 
Hiya Rob! Good to see ya here!
Yeah, the time difference thing is a bitch sometimes! I remember a few times Matthew and I waking each other up with phone calls.

Right now, it's almost 8am, and I've been at work for one hour already.