Hello Bettermost Friends!

Yup, the snow is falling falling falling!
I'm thinking that my area will get the full 12 inches of snow, if not more. I went outside to clear off my car and shovel around it, I didn't want to wait until this stopped. There has to be about 10 inches out there already.
There was a car stuck on the off ramp, and I was worried someone may hit it, as it was white, and I'm sure almost invisible out there. When I went to shovel out my car, a tow truck showed up and removed it.
I'm so happy that I'm on vacation this week, and don't need to be at work today! haahaaha! Let someone else deal with it! Oh, I should check the hotline for work. *gets phone*
My office is closed due to the weather, I'm glad that all my coworkers are home safe where they should be.