Hello Bettermost friends!

So how is everyone today?
It felt good to be in the office today, and I was able to get caught up on everything I needed to. I was very happy about that.
I'm thinking that after work tomorrow, I may stop and use the Labor Day weekend sales as a good time to pick up a new TV. My old TV is in good workding condition, but it's an old, boxy monitor type thing. I think it's time to update to a newer model, and then save this one for an emergency or something like that.
No major plans for the weekend, other than to give the apartment a good cleaning.

It should be a nice, quiet weekend.
Tuesday is the start of the new bowling season, and work should get a little busier, now that summer and vacations are over.
Time to get some dinner! Post up and let me know what's goin' on!