Author Topic: ABCs at the Movies: The Doubles Round!  (Read 3049052 times)

Offline oilgun

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"O" is L'Ours (1988)
« Reply #3710 on: April 28, 2008, 06:38:47 pm »
aka: The Bear

The director of _Quest for Fire_ creates yet another film in nature with almost no human dialogue in this picturesque story of an orphaned bear cub who is adopted by an adult male bear and must avoid hunters. Bart the Bear stars in this anthropomorphic fantasy.

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"P" is The Pink Panther (1963)
« Reply #3711 on: April 28, 2008, 07:02:42 pm »
I had to play it  :)

David Niven in the Alps

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Offline Ellemeno

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"Q" is Quel maledetto treno blindato (1978)
« Reply #3712 on: April 28, 2008, 09:21:53 pm »
Okay, it took me a pretty long time to find this.  Since some of it takes places in Switzerland, I'm assuming there's a mountain in it somewhere.

From IMDb: Set in Europe during WWII, a group of American soldiers are in the process of being shipped off to military prison for a variety of infractions, ranging from desertion to murder. While they're being transported, a German artillery attack hits the convoy, killing the MPs and enabling four of the prisoners to escape. The group decides their best bet is to head to neutral Switzerland where they can avoid the fighting and prison.

Look at all the English titles that were used on it at one time or another:
Counterfeit Commandos (USA) (reissue title)
Deadly Mission (USA) (video title)
G.I. Bro (USA) (reissue title)
Hell's Heroes (USA) (video title)
Inglorious Bastards (USA)

Offline oilgun

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"R" isi Ravenous (1999)
« Reply #3713 on: April 28, 2008, 09:36:28 pm »
You are who you eat... [Dibs on Guy Pearce!]

Excerpt from an IMDb Comment: Ravenous is so much more than a meditation on people eating other people, though it's obvious there was a great deal of confusion about how exactly to present this dish to the public. Its plot is fairly simple for the first half: Mexican War hero (and hidden coward) Lt. Boyd, played by LA Confidential's Guy Pearce, is assigned to an end-of-the-Earth fortress in the western Sierra Nevadas. This fort, populated over the winter by a tiny handful of misfit officers and enlisted men, receives a visitor in the person of a starving man with an awful story of a failed mountain crossing that eclipses the Donner Party's. What happens then is so twisted, but skillfully crafted, that it would be criminal to spoil what transpires.

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"S" is The Shining (1980)
« Reply #3714 on: April 28, 2008, 09:41:43 pm »

From IMDb:

Jack Torrance becomes the caretaker of the Overlook Hotel up in the secluded mountains of Colorado. Jack, being a family man, takes his wife and son to the hotel to keep him company throughout the long and isolated nights. During their stay strange things occur....

Offline Ellemeno

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"T" is The Trollenberg Terror (1958)
« Reply #3715 on: April 28, 2008, 10:03:33 pm »
Ah, art!

From IMDb - A remote mountain resort in Switzerland is invaded by horrible alien creatures that like to decapitate humans. The beings are also in telepathic communication with people and inhabit a mysterious, radioactive cloud at the base of the Trollenberg mountain.

But here's it's big claim to fame:

Under the title The Crawling Eye, the film was the first of many to be mocked on the nationally-televised version of TV series Mystery Science Theater 3000.

FYI on The Shining (which I have never seen, and will never see), when we were in Estes Park, they pointed out a hotel on a hill where The Shining was filmed.

Offline Meryl

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"U" is Under Colorado Skies (1947)
« Reply #3716 on: April 29, 2008, 12:19:13 am »

Starring Monte Hale and Lorna Gray
Ich bin ein Brokie...

Offline Mikaela

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Re: "K" is Kimen (1974)
« Reply #3717 on: April 29, 2008, 02:35:56 am »

Here's the plot summary:  (Mikaela, help!)

IMDb:  På en gønn øy i havgapet bor en gruppe mennesker. I sitt enkle jordnære miljø lever de i harmoni med seg selv og hverandre. Et lite samfunn i balanse, tilsynelatende. En fremmed kommer til øya, og brått ødelegges likevekten. Som en orkan rammer ulykken det lille samfunnet. I løpet av noen korte, dramatiske timer av fortettet vold forandres øyfolkets tilværelse. Et drap utløser angst, hat og massepsykose, og skjulte krefter slippes løs.

Sorry for being late in responding to the translation request. Here's the translation:

"A group of people lives on a green island on the ocean coast. In their simple rustic environment they live in harmony with themselves and each other. A small community, appearing to be perfectly balanced. But a stranger comes to the island, and equilibrium is shattered. Misfortune hits their small society like a hurricane. In the course of a few short and dramatic hours of intense violence the islanders' lives are changed. A murder engenders fear, hatred and mass psychosis, and hidden powers are unleashed."

Hmm.... Just another day as experienced on mountains and islands round here, in other words!  ;) In truth, this doesn't sound like my kind of movie!  I've never heard of it. Now I'm curious and shall have to go see who acts in it. And who directed.

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"V" is Vajra Sky Over Tibet (2006)
« Reply #3718 on: April 29, 2008, 06:01:00 am »
from the director, John Bush: VAJRA SKY OVER TIBET, a documentary feature, is a cinematic pilgrimage to some of the most revered venues and festivals still surviving in Tibet. This poignant journey bears witness to the indomitable faith of its endangered Buddhist community and the imminent threat to its very survival. The vastness of the Tibetan sky, reflecting snowy mountains, rushing rivers, and turquoise lakes, leads the journey west. Tibetans respond to the denial of the human right to practice one's religion without interference with a defiant devotion. As interviews were not appropriate because of likely retribution, VAJRA SKY employs the evocative voices of Tenzin Choegyal and Dadon, both Tibetans in exile. Many of Tibet's most legendary musicians and singers are featured in the compelling soundtrack.

Website for the movie, for people who would like to learn more:
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Offline oilgun

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"W" is White Fang (1991)
« Reply #3719 on: April 29, 2008, 06:26:57 am »