I was just noticing that too. I'm about 500 ahead of #11 (Fran) and about 800 ahead of #12 (ineedcrayons).
How did THAT happen?? I was between ineedcrayons and ednbarby in the top ten for most of our lives here. The two of them are still only 14 posts apart, with me 800 posts ahead now. I don't want to be rude or nuthin', but I think they need to get a life... 
Uhhh, seems ta me ya got the pronoun wrong! Maybe they've got a life and we're just postin instead a havin one?
You realize you've been postin quite a lot in admin and I'm sure that since that big change in responsibility, you've had to post mor'n before.
Jess, while I was typin, ya managed yet another post! a funny one too