**Thank you, Ms. Continuity, for your efforts to rein in all our enthusiastic ac-tors! Our expanding group is understandably exuberant in our desire to both present and enjoy our unfolding, extra juicy version of 'two lads on a mountain'. We may need to incorporate your idea of going back to certain scenes and presenting them as flashbacks or dream sequences. I know Mr. Raymille doesn't want his actors to complain too much, especially if they're going to be barging into his trailer and interrupting his ....'special coaching' of certain characters with sky blue eyes or a million denier smile. Our 'BEAR' actor will not be available until tomorrow, and Cigar Butt/Pants/Spit's time for dalliance online will be severely curttailed starting tomorrow (back to
work?! ...my real job? Don't they know my allegiance is to Mr. Raymille?) I'll try to keep up with my duties on the set, even if it overworks me to the point of getting hot and sweaty and needing a certain fine warshrag to dab dry my dewy parts.

%% That warshrag just keeps increasing in value with each additional fluid it mops up, not to mention all the 'goobly bits' it has seen.... nobody's going to outbid ME over at eBay...