Author Topic: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown  (Read 171752 times)


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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #330 on: May 06, 2009, 09:06:51 pm »
I guess it's because it's actually more newsworthy than what the plumber had to say - what with her making the talk circuit, becoming the poster girl against same-sex marriages, new revelations about her implants (can you say - barbie doll? I love the comment about plastic people having the right to wed but not fags  :laugh: ) and today, the apparent revelation of nude pics.

She's more newsworthy than Britney - for all her shallowness.

yep a middle age man can NOT compete against a naked blonde...

Offline Sheriff Roland

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #331 on: May 06, 2009, 09:23:22 pm »
First, I believe this thread has been around a little longer than the other.

Yup this thread's been around since April 20 - 17 days ago - while the plumber made 'news' just 3 days ago - May 4

Of course there are going to have been more responses to the 'naked girl' than to the 'middle age man'

Not to mention the second point I made.

now let's see 36 pages in 17 days - that's a little more than 2 pages a day - for the 'naked blonde' thread.

And 9 pages in 3 or 4 days - that's 3 pages per day. I wonder if your percentage of posts on the plumber thread is as great as your imput into this thread.

Seems to me that the two threads are receiving the same amount of attention. The dif'rence is that the 'naked blonde' story seems to have more legs (pun intended) - again, the second point I made. Edit by Sheriff Roland: Oops - sorry. I meant the second post I made - about new revelations every two or three days.
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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #332 on: May 06, 2009, 09:34:12 pm »
whatever, I said, I stopped posting and the thread went on...and act like I am the only reason people post in here. That is not true.

and it doesnt' bother me if she gets more celebrity..see I KNOW she is just another blonde and there will be a new one tomorrow...

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #333 on: May 07, 2009, 04:11:42 am »
You're not aware of HR laws and protocol. Interview questions that are not applicable to the assignment are off limits. In this case because of the commerical affects, the questions are obviously more broad, but nonetheless, perez was seeking, and found, an uneven playing field on which to descriminate against one contestant. I think she has a legal case.

* cough* - I'd very much doubt it. Certainly with my knowledge, from my degree in HR, of (admitedly mainly UK) HR polcies and law, she'd be laughed out of court.

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #334 on: May 07, 2009, 11:32:31 am »
* cough* - I'd very much doubt it. Certainly with my knowledge, from my degree in HR, of (admitedly mainly UK) HR polcies and law, she'd be laughed out of court.

a degree in Human Relations - imagine that!  Maybe you DO know what you're talking about!!   ;)
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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #335 on: May 07, 2009, 11:39:14 am »
Homophobia Abounds in Prejean Divorce

"All Men With Mustaches are GAY!"

So how does a beauty queen turn into the poster child against gay marriage? In the case of Miss California Carrie Prejean, the answer may lie in an ugly divorce that may have cemented her views on gay relationships.

Carrie's parents filed for divorce in 1988 and the divorce and custody fights went on for more than a decade -- it was a divorce filled with homosexual allegations hurled by both sides.

In one of the docs, Carrie's dad describes a confrontation he had with her mom in 1996, in which he recounts an argument in a restaurant parking lot, where "Ms. Prejean accused me, in front of our daughter, of homosexuality."

The papers also quote a court-appointed doctor who said "The mother questioned [within hearing of the girls] whether [her father] was a homosexual or had a homosexual roommate."

Carrie's mom says the "gay" allegations went both ways. In court papers dated May 16, 2000, a report from the court-appointed counselor says "The mother also alleges the father told the girls their stepfather was gay, that all men with mustaches are gay." The father's response: "The father acknowledges talking with the girls about the stepfather's brother being gay, not the stepfather."

Also in the docs -- a handwritten letter from Carrie's older sister, in which she recounts a weekend stay with her dad: "One time my sister & I went in the hallway of my dad's apartment, & his roommate's door was open all the way & we saw [the roommate] in bed with another man. I don't think it's right for my sister & I to have to live that way."

So does Carrie believe gays broke up her parents' marriage? We called her rep ... no comment so far. We could not reach Carrie's dad for comment.

For the record, there are other allegations -- absolutely hideous -- in the divorce and custody papers -- which we have elected not to publish.

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #336 on: May 07, 2009, 02:35:42 pm »
Homophobia Abounds in Prejean Divorce

"All Men With Mustaches are GAY!"

So how does a beauty queen turn into the poster child against gay marriage? In the case of Miss California Carrie Prejean, the answer may lie in an ugly divorce that may have cemented her views on gay relationships.

Carrie's parents filed for divorce in 1988 and the divorce and custody fights went on for more than a decade -- it was a divorce filled with homosexual allegations hurled by both sides.

In one of the docs, Carrie's dad describes a confrontation he had with her mom in 1996, in which he recounts an argument in a restaurant parking lot, where "Ms. Prejean accused me, in front of our daughter, of homosexuality."

The papers also quote a court-appointed doctor who said "The mother questioned [within hearing of the girls] whether [her father] was a homosexual or had a homosexual roommate."

Carrie's mom says the "gay" allegations went both ways. In court papers dated May 16, 2000, a report from the court-appointed counselor says "The mother also alleges the father told the girls their stepfather was gay, that all men with mustaches are gay." The father's response: "The father acknowledges talking with the girls about the stepfather's brother being gay, not the stepfather."

Also in the docs -- a handwritten letter from Carrie's older sister, in which she recounts a weekend stay with her dad: "One time my sister & I went in the hallway of my dad's apartment, & his roommate's door was open all the way & we saw [the roommate] in bed with another man. I don't think it's right for my sister & I to have to live that way."

So does Carrie believe gays broke up her parents' marriage? We called her rep ... no comment so far. We could not reach Carrie's dad for comment.

For the record, there are other allegations -- absolutely hideous -- in the divorce and custody papers -- which we have elected not to publish.

My, what tangled webs we weave!

Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #337 on: May 07, 2009, 09:48:22 pm »
Homophobia Abounds in Prejean Divorce

"All Men With Mustaches are GAY!"

So how does a beauty queen turn into the poster child against gay marriage? In the case of Miss California Carrie Prejean, the answer may lie in an ugly divorce that may have cemented her views on gay relationships.

Carrie's parents filed for divorce in 1988 and the divorce and custody fights went on for more than a decade -- it was a divorce filled with homosexual allegations hurled by both sides.

In one of the docs, Carrie's dad describes a confrontation he had with her mom in 1996, in which he recounts an argument in a restaurant parking lot, where "Ms. Prejean accused me, in front of our daughter, of homosexuality."

The papers also quote a court-appointed doctor who said "The mother questioned [within hearing of the girls] whether [her father] was a homosexual or had a homosexual roommate."

Carrie's mom says the "gay" allegations went both ways. In court papers dated May 16, 2000, a report from the court-appointed counselor says "The mother also alleges the father told the girls their stepfather was gay, that all men with mustaches are gay." The father's response: "The father acknowledges talking with the girls about the stepfather's brother being gay, not the stepfather."

Also in the docs -- a handwritten letter from Carrie's older sister, in which she recounts a weekend stay with her dad: "One time my sister & I went in the hallway of my dad's apartment, & his roommate's door was open all the way & we saw [the roommate] in bed with another man. I don't think it's right for my sister & I to have to live that way."

So does Carrie believe gays broke up her parents' marriage? We called her rep ... no comment so far. We could not reach Carrie's dad for comment.

For the record, there are other allegations -- absolutely hideous -- in the divorce and custody papers -- which we have elected not to publish.

Boy, aren't they a piece of work?  :-\
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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #338 on: May 07, 2009, 10:07:32 pm »
Andrew Sullivan posted about this kerfuffle on his blog As a conservative he naturally defended Miss Prejean with the typical it's free speech blah blah blah and how she didn't deserve the attacks blah blah blah, No one has argued against her 1st amendment rights. Although his blog does not have a comments section, he does post reader dissents. What I like about Andrew Sullivan is that he capable of changing his mind when presented with thoughtful rebuttals to his posts. Here is what he posted today 5-7. I don't know if he changed his mind, but I think he posts dissents when they make him think a little more deeply on a topic and engage him with ideas from different perspectives.

Dissents Of The Day

A reader writes:

    You wrote:

        Carrie Prejean has had to go through some really bad stuff she didn't deserve, just for inarticulately expressing a valid opinion in front of Perez Hilton.

    But it's not a valid opinion Andrew and you know it.  It's an opinion, yes, but valid?  Come on now.  Let's say the same thing had happened during a beauty pageant in say, 1965, and the contestant had said, essentially, I don't think whites and blacks should be able to be marry because that's just not how it should be and the Bible said and blah blah blah.  Now say said contestant was vilified by liberals and the civil rights movement for expression, and in turn conservatives and libertarians and First Amendment hounds complained she was being attacked for her "valid" opinion.

    Now flash forward almost 25 years.  Do you think anyone short of KKK members, and maybe those people we all saw going to Palin rallies last fall would look back at that answer and think it was actually valid?  Dated/a sign of the times, probably.  Bigoted, maybe.  An opinion, of course.  But just because someone thinks something and has the god and Constitutional given right to say something (say anything!) does not make their opinion valid.

    I'm sorry.  But I think you know that.  And I honestly think the reason you are hedging around this Carrie Prejean thing a bit is because her answer had a Christian bent, not because of free speech, or because you think we need to deal realistically with what people on the opposite side (you know, those who only want "opposite marriage") think or where they're coming from.

Another reader argues along similar lines:

    Twenty years ago, I watched an interview with Anita Bryant on Larry King where she claimed that the gay community had destroyed her career.  "The very same thing they accuse me of doing to them, they did to me," she said in a paraphrased burst of self-pity.  It was apparently lost on her that she brought it on herself, that people will fight back and that her suffering was mild compared to the injury she inflicted on countless people who were already objects of hatred.

    Perez Hilton (who I'd never heard of before this ridiculous beauty queen flap) strikes me as something of a jerk and a very bad "face" for gay marriage equality.  But come on - the insults that Prejean has had to endure are mild compared to the vicious and hateful invective I've been subjected to for being gay my entire life.  Hell, I get attacked and insulted more in five minutes on a chat room for being gay than Prejean has had to suffer since this entire affair began.

    Millions of law-abiding, tax-paying citizens of California were stripped of their rights in a deeply insulting and grossly unfair vote fueled by bigotry, and the right wingers are upset because a beauty queen was treated a bit badly?  Please.

These two dissenters express quite well the way I feel and what I think about this whole brouhaha.


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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #339 on: May 07, 2009, 11:20:35 pm »
Perez Hilton (who I'd never heard of before this ridiculous beauty queen flap) strikes me as something of a jerk and a very bad "face" for gay marriage equality.  But come on - the insults that Prejean has had to endure are mild compared to the vicious and hateful invective I've been subjected to for being gay my entire life.  Hell, I get attacked and insulted more in five minutes on a chat room for being gay than Prejean has had to suffer since thisentire affair began.

so that makes it right? does this poster feel relief? does Ms Prejean being insulted somehow erase the memory of the insults HE faced? why does Ms Prejean have to pay for the people that insulted him?