Author Topic: Celebrating Six Months: How has your life changed...  (Read 11071 times)

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Re: Celebrating Six Months: How has your life changed...
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2006, 03:14:50 am »
I relate to much of what's been said here.  Here's some more -

I am a much faster typist than I have ever been in my life, from all this posting and chatting.  I can actually look up at the screen and still type now (something I never mastered in high school typing class).

I know what time it is in London right now, and Brisbane.

To go to Brokie events, I have twice flown out of state without my child, soomething I have never done for any other reason.

I know the waking and sleeping patterns of many of my cyberfriends better than many of my friends right here at home.

I'm not just gay-friendly, now I'm gay-adamant.

When I go into my office at home and close the door, it isn't to be alone, it's to be with you.

I am a "fan" of something.  I never liked the idea of being a fan before.

I have a secret life (meaning BBM and you all) that most of my acquaintances and even medium good friends in my real life don't know about, or don't know the extent of.

I have let go of several things I was involved in this year because they didn't really fit me.  I have more fully embraced a few things, because they do fit me, and I want to show up more for the real parts of my life.

I have had fewer parties, and more one on ones with people.  I have come to realize that I often don't feel as nourished after a party as I do after spending time with one person.

I have engaged in group creativity (the PT thread, the ABC thread, the new Road Trip thread and more) where anyone can contribute what they feel drawn to contribute, and we all appreciate each other's offerings.

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Re: Celebrating Six Months: How has your life changed...
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2006, 02:53:59 pm »
Lee, I totally relate to the idea that we've woken up. I too felt like I was just sleep walking emotionally through my life before. Now I'm more aware of what I'm looking for in life. I'm more aware of the people around me. I'm more open to making connections with people I meet, even in small ways like a smile or a "hello". I'm more aware of the fears that I've repressed for so long. That's a good thing. Now that I'm aware of them, I'm confronting them each and everyday. Even if I don't always win out every time, I'm getting better at it. I can honestly say that I'm a better me today than I was last year. Meeting and getting to know my fellow Tremblayans, I've learned so much. One of the most amazing lessons is that if I just let go of my doubts and fears and simply give into my impulses, beautiful experiences and gorgeous connections can happen. Yeah, because of the film and because of you all, my world is a more vivid reality than before.
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Re: Celebrating Six Months: How has your life changed...
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2006, 01:46:41 am »
That is so wonderful to hear! I'm glad you share my feeling of awakening, and I hope others do too. When I walk down the street, encounter people in the elevator, or connect with people online, I now think that each person I meet might be an Ennis or a Jack.
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Re: Celebrating Six Months: How has your life changed...
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2006, 07:35:22 am »
Hello to my community of friends on Bettermost.  Although I have not penned anything for awhile, I think of you often and wonder how you are doing. 

As for the topic of this thread, yes, my life has changed in small ways.  Since I do a lot of traveling, I find that in the last few months I actually say boo to the person sitting next to me on the plane.  If someone doesn't share my interests in a sport or a movie, that's fine with me.  Flamboyant "gay" behavior used to bother me; now, it doesn't. I realize that the advancement in gay rights were made by those brothers and sisters who were willing to stick their necks out for the benefit of others. Tolerance begets acceptance.

Barb mentioned she is an atheist.  That's cool.  In order to understand the point of view of an atheist, I am reading, Breaking the Spell--Religion as a Natural Phenomenon by Daniel C. Dennett.  Evolution fascinates me.

Occasionally, I will take the BBM DVD with me to play on my laptop when I travel. And if in a conversation with an acquaintance, the topic comes up, I will offer that BBM was the most celebrated movie of 2005. I have never been so proud of a movie as this one.  And the hunting scene (where the elk collapses) is very realistic--that was a conversation with my brother the avid hunter.

It's off to catch the red eye in a few hours and I look forward to talking to my neighbor on the flight.

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Re: Celebrating Six Months: How has your life changed...
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2006, 12:49:21 pm »
Abe! It is so wonderful to see you posting! I'm happy to hear that you continue to evolve-spending time with you in SF was one the highlights of the trip.

My management life is frustrating but going well-the book you gave me has provided some useful insight and I thank you for it.

Take care and check in more often.



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Re: Celebrating Six Months: How has your life changed...
« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2006, 07:12:40 pm »
I know I am so late on this, but seeing as I have been away for a few weeks(with all my bloody coursework) so I thought I would catch up:
Ways I have changed since I've found Brokeback, Bettermost and you guys:

1) My writing skills have become so much better, well than they were. They are not quite perfect yet but they are better than when I first started posting I'm sure. I remember the first ever IMDB post I made. It was all in text language, I would die if I wrote like that now! In fact you guys have given me a little bit of a pet peeve in that every time I see one of my friend's has spelt something horrifically wrong, I will change it...I'm weird like that.

2) I've become so much more mature, well I say that... When I want to be I can be serious and I have real opinions on real issuse. My taste in films has also changed, before I would just watch like the normal blockbusters my friends would watch, but now there are some quite serious films in my top ten...even if they are in between Disney films, somethings just never change.

3) I can express myself better and I have better all round knowledge. So I am going up in grades, well a bit anyway. So I could get A/Bs on my exams...that is if I don't spend all my time on here talking to you guys instead of studying.

4) I am so much more confident, and it's down to you guys. Before I was quite insecure about myself, as most teenager are especially when they are in upper school(high school). But now I really don't give a F about what anyone else thinks when I do things, if I want to do it, I will. I think ever since talking to all of you and brokeback I realised that everyones different and whatever you do there will always be someone, somewhere judging you. What ever you do you can't stop them thinking that, so you get on with your life. What is the point in saying things just for the sake of it, life's to short to hide behind nicities, why be fake when the real you is so much better.
An example of how much I have come on is that I will be acting in a play this year, Pigmalian(I play Clara Enysford-Hill and don't have a clue who she is or what she does), before this year I never would have looked at acting, cause I didn't believe in myself enough to do it. I couldn't even put my hand up to answer in class properly, but early next year I'm going to act to a whole room of people.

5) Most importantly I have made friends with all of you guys. If someone told me this time last year that I would be talking to a bunch of people from all over the world about a film about gay cowboys: I would have called the nut house on them. But I am serious; you guys have made me the person I am, I really don't believe I would be the same person if I hadn't have taken that Bus to Cambridge, seen this film and found you guys.

A BIG thank you goes out to all of you!

"Look too often at those hills, lie too long beside those rippling rivers, and you may think you are hearing a love song, when actually it is a death song." Larry McMurtry, Brokeback Mountain: Story to Screenplay.

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Re: Celebrating Six Months: How has your life changed...
« Reply #16 on: November 03, 2006, 07:16:34 pm »
Gotta love you, Becky!  :-*

I wish I'd had your self confidence when I was your age! Good luck with the play! It's a good one, and you'll be great in it!  :)

Offline Becky

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Re: Celebrating Six Months: How has your life changed...
« Reply #17 on: November 03, 2006, 07:35:10 pm »
Thanks Anke! Believe me, I think my confidence is one of my best traits now.
I've heard Pygmalion is a good 'un, but I don't really know that much about it, only My Fair Lady and I know Pygmalion is much different. Here's hoping that it all turns out good.
"Look too often at those hills, lie too long beside those rippling rivers, and you may think you are hearing a love song, when actually it is a death song." Larry McMurtry, Brokeback Mountain: Story to Screenplay.

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Re: Celebrating Six Months: How has your life changed...
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2006, 12:44:01 pm »
"But now I really don't give a F about what anyone else thinks when I do things, if I want to do it, I will."

Don't you mean a high-altitude F?    :D

Were you Mt Becky (with the purple flower icon) on Tremblay?

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Re: Celebrating Six Months: How has your life changed...
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2006, 06:08:36 pm »
Yeah a high-altitude F! That would be nice, LOL! ;D

No, not me; she has a good name but unfortunately not me. I was bx_is_da_best over at IMDB. Sorry for the disappointment. :)
"Look too often at those hills, lie too long beside those rippling rivers, and you may think you are hearing a love song, when actually it is a death song." Larry McMurtry, Brokeback Mountain: Story to Screenplay.