Hilary Swank needs to eat a burger. Many of them.
I think I've been eating all of hers.

I saw "Juno" on Saturday and "Sweeney Todd" on Sunday. Thought both were good, but not great.
Is it just me, or are the critics more out of whack than ever in the last year or so? My opinions used to jibe pretty closely with most of theirs - especially the most pretentious ones from the biggest N.Y. and L.A. papers. But lately most of them are raving about movies like this, I go to see them, and go, "Hunh?"
"Juno" had some lovely moments. Ellen Page was terrific, but who really stood out to me was Michael Cera as Paulie Bleeker. He had some non-verbal reactions that were so deliciously subtle - if I squinted hard for a moment, I could have been looking at an extremely young Spencer Tracy. But some of the dialog was really contrived. All very witty, but it kept not ringing true to me as stuff these characters would actually say. God, I hate it when that happens.
And "Sweeney Todd" - well, Johnny Depp was wonderful, though - gasp - a tad over the top towards the end. But for my money, he's quite a decent little singer. And Alan Rickman was great as always - he's another one who's so subtle - is there any English actor who isn't? But there were certain directorial choices (and I love Tim Burton) that left me cold - not exhilarated like I remember being when I first saw it at 20-something many, MANY moons ago.