Marie, I miss Diane, too. I wonder how she's doing.Have you lost touch with Toycoon? I thought maybe you and he still posted over at IMDb.As for Jeff Gallagher, I just want to make sure you don't mean John. Because he's still here.And you know who else I wonder about!
It is a dream of mine to one day mount the epic road trip to the maritime provinces and attempt to solve the mystery of Toast. Goes without saying I miss Rich, and always will. A few times he has left me suffused upon waking to realize that yes I had been dreaming and yes, he was sitting across the table from me, normal as anything. Several people I have missed from bettermost I have found on facebook, Gattica it has been a real pleasure to reconnect with, and he is helping me figure out electronic stuff as I've developed a real desire to go solar. Its gonna be an education for sure. Moremojo is still in Austin at the Library as far as I know. I may call him this weekend. And Ray, I posted on his facebook page recently:"." and he got it right away.
You mean John is still here? Wow, I haven't seen him around in ages, but I'm glad he's still here.
If you mean John Gallegher, try looking for Aloysius J. Gleek.
And then there's Edenbarby, who once agreed with me that vegetables exist to be a vehicle for butter and salt.
You know I also miss MarieZ.
I see Barb all the time. Also, Yaadpyar. Two more great reasons to be on Facebook.
And Ray, I posted on his facebook page recently:"." and he got it right away.