I may take two days off in September. There is a family reunion happening the last weekend in September. It's on Saturday, down the shore. Everyone is supposed to bring some food, and a chair to sit on. Since I'll traveling on Saturday to and from the shore, and then having to get stuff done on Sunday, I know I'll be tired. This is making me debate taking off the Friday before so I can prep my food, and then Monday so I can relax.
That's an excellent idea. Family reunions are great -- in mine, at least, and yours, too, judging from what I've heard of your family -- and you should make the most of them while you can.
Nowadays, many of the people in my family are now either deceased or not in good enough health to do that. But I have fond memories of those in the past. Most recently, my cousins and brothers and uncle and aunt and I gathered in a small town in Iowa a few years ago to help another aunt get her condo ready to sell (she was in a nursing home at that point). I don't see my cousins very often -- we're not especially close, and they don't live near here -- but I like them a lot and that weekend was really, really fun.
So if you have the PTO days, might as well use them. Then you won't feel rushed to get the food ready, and have a day to chill in between.
Are all of your family members going there and back on Saturday? If some are staying overnight, and they're relatives you like, maybe you could even consider that.
In any case, we'll want to know all about what you decide to bring (with photos) and then afterward, some of the things other relatives brought. Maybe a photo of the food all laid out!