Hiya BetterMost friends.

Another busy weekend down, and one more to go!
However, this week I have off, so I can get stuff done during the week, and not have to cram everything in on a Sunday.
My international holiday cards were sent out before 12/6, and the first back of US cards were sent out today. I sent out the ones that are going the farthest away, so they'll have the extra time to reach their destinations. I have 25 more cards that I just completed, ready to go tomorrow. I will drop them off after my dentist appointment - nothing major, just a cleaning.
After that I have to hit the grocery store and get the ingredients for buffalo chicken dip. Tuesday night is a small party for the holidays, and everyone is bringing "snack" food like cheese and crackers and such, for us to eat during the games. I'm making buffalo chicken dip, and getting two or three loaves of Italian bread to slice up to use for dipping.
When I get home after bowling, I will complete the last of the Christmas cards, and they'll get mailed out on Wednesday. At that point, all the recipients are in the NJ area, so that is soon enough for them to reach their destinations before the holiday.
Thursday I have to get some stuff from the store, and Friday I have to drop the Santa Fe at the dealership for some regular maintenance. Since I will be without car, I will spend the day wrapping gifts for the weekend, and baking for the White Elephant party I'm going to on Saturday.
Saturday I have a family gathering that starts at 3:00. The White Elephant I'm invited to starts at 6:30, so I will drop of the food and gift for the white elephant on Saturday afternoon, then head out to the family party, and then over to the white elephant.
Then Monday, back to work for a few days, and BAM! It's Christmas!