Hiya BetterMost friends.

I've been super busy lately. As you know, there was an act passed called 'CARES' for small businesses to apply for loans to make their payrolls.
Many banks were going to set up an online application process, for owners of small businesses to go to, and apply for the loans.
We were doing the applications manually, and it meant a lot of overtime for employees who were able to process these loans. I was one of those employees.
I was on a training session for 4 hours on Easter Sunday. Then I ended up working until 10:00 or 11:00 on Monday - Wednesday. We succeeded on getting a good number of these applications processed.
Tonight others are being trained, and I took tonight off as a regular hours night.
I'm not complaining, I'm just tired. There are people who aren't getting paid at all, or working with the public daily. I'm able to isolate in my apartment, and work from home my usual shift and get overtime. I'm very fortunate right now.