Hiya BetterMost friends.
I hope that everyone is doing well.
I'm sorry for being away so long! I thought I had been here before today!
Mother's Day was nice! Always good to spend time with family.
Nice! What did you get your mom?
Just some candy, nothing fancy. Today (looks at clock)....well, yesterday now, was mom's birthday, and I got her some different candy for her, and I'll be giving it to her today when I see her.
We (my brothers and I) generally no longer give my parents stuff during the year. Mom and Dad are contemplating a move to a smaller place in an active senior facility. Because of this, they've asked us to no longer give them gifts, they only become more stuff they have to either pack up or sell. What we do now, is we save up all the money we would've spent on then for various holidays (birthdays, mother's day, father's day, anniversary) and then give it to them in one lump sum on Christmas. Then, between the three sons, they have a nice chunk of cash that they use any way they want, usually on a few weekend trips away to the Jersey Shore or a casino, the money will take care of their hotel stay, all their meals and drinks, and their 'fun' money.
Mom likes Root Beer Barrels (blech) so I wanted to get her some of them. Unfortunately, they didn't have any. I got her a bag of "Hostess Mix" candy.
I also got her a bag of black licorice and a bag of red licorice, both labeled as "Australian Licorice". I've never had licorice from Australia, so I'm not sure if this is really how Australian licorice is, or if they just call it that to make it stand out on the shelves. LOL
Our licorice looks like this, long thin ropes.
Australian licorice is shorter, and thicker, maybe the width of four of our ropes, but only about 3 or 4 inches long.