Hiya BetterMost friends!!!!

Weekends pass too quickly.
I'm sure that nothing happened at my apartment over the weekend, so I would guess that it's where it was at last week. The new tub was in, and all the tiles were up. Floor, toilet, sink and medicine chest were not yet in.
Had a bit of a scare this weekend. I went bowling on Tuesday, and spent the week at the office. Then, on Friday evening, we received an email that someone who had bowled on Tuesday tested positive for Covid-19.
So I had potentially been exposed, exposed my family because I'm living at home, and exposed my coworkers.
My family and I went for test (not the rapid tests) and we got our results the next day. We're all negative for Covid, thankfully.
I called my HR department at work, and they said that since I'm double vaxxed, and tested negative, there is no need for me to quarantine.
All well and good, but I think I may skip bowling the next two weeks. I want those lanes to be disinfected, and I don't want to expose my family to anything. Then, the week after that is Thanksgiving, and I'll be around others, so I want to be sure I'm safe.