Author Topic: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread  (Read 758038 times)

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #280 on: January 23, 2008, 04:59:46 am »
i was going though some of my pics  of heath and this  one seemed most appropriate
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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #281 on: January 23, 2008, 05:00:41 am »
I,ve just woken up to the most dreadful news here in the UK. I can,t beleive it, as I,m sure none of us can. What a tragic waste of such a young life. Not only must Michele obviously be devasted, but poor Jake must be in pieces too. One thing about these reporters that always annoys the hell out of me. Why does at least one of them, have to say that he was found naked? Does it matter?
What a terrible terrible loss. RIP Heath.   :'(
Souxi. xxxx

Offline myprivatejack

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #282 on: January 23, 2008, 05:34:11 am »
I knew the terrible news yesterday by night-timetable in Barcelona- and I went to bed crying. Now I´m at work where a co-worker of mine-who is a great Brokie; he told me about the movie much before its premiere and always has news,pictures and stuff...-didn´t know it still.He finished by crying and me too,so we told the other fellows that a friend of us has died.It´s not a complete lie,don´t you think?.


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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #283 on: January 23, 2008, 05:48:39 am »
I,ve just woken up to the most dreadful news here in the UK.

I am in Glasgow, Scotland.  It's 9.50 a.m. and I found out about 2 hours ago.  I've just been in the chat room, and I can't chat anymore.  I am absolutely gutted. 

Offline ennisjack

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #284 on: January 23, 2008, 06:09:13 am »
Sure do hope I'm allowed to post this here. It's my ode to a very wonderful and talented actor who will be sorely missed as much as he was loved. It's not my best because I don't do things like this normally. I just felt compelled to do this one to show how I feel.

  This is dedicated to :                               Mr. Heath Ledger
                                         You May Be Gone, But You Can Never Be Forgotten.

With hair of golden blond,
And eyes of deepest brown,
He soared as an eagle and never touched the ground.

His laughter was light and a blessing to hear,
His silences were deep and almost hard to bear.
He brought joy to many a life
He showed us a vision and things for which to strive.

He’ll sorely be missed,
Of that I’m very sure.
Though he was only human
His soul was whitely pure.

He was a hell of an actor,
Of that you can be sure.
Was loved by many
And hated by few.
His characters he brought to life
And rarely lowered his head in stife.

He was fire so clean and bright and pure
He was a one of a kind
He’d only been drenched in water one time
But only by a friend of the truest kind
A jokester to all, Jake was one for sure.

Matilda is a beautiful elf
He loved her more than life itself.
To leave her a t an age so young
Is something that can never be undone.

He will be back our way someday
It’s something for which we must hope and pray.

He touched our lives so very deep
And gave us secrets we swore to keep.

We will miss you deeply, Heath Ledger
For you’ve shown us that life can always be better.
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Offline myprivatejack

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #285 on: January 23, 2008, 06:17:58 am »
It´s beautiful and touching,Ennisjack¡ It´s what he deserves... :'(

Do you know?Now I´m thinking in Matilda,specially,and also in Michelle and Jake.She must have an awful time because-no matter what happenned between them-he´s her daughter´s father,and that´s forever.And Jake was a good friend,the man whom he gaves her daughter as a godfather; so I think he´s devastated right now but he will always lok after her as a duty for his friend.I´m crying,sorry...
I like your silences,quiet conversations of evident sensations,where our words are life´s tinsels.
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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #286 on: January 23, 2008, 06:35:20 am »
we told the other fellows that a friend of us has died.It's not a complete lie,don't you think?.

No, it's not a complete lie.   For me, there was so much truth in the movie that the characters and actors  were like friends, even brothers... so, on an artistic level, it's true.  The movie and book had a greater impact on me than many past friends, actually.   And here I am again.  I got the news 8 hours ago. I 've done what I had to do today, but am still pretty low.  So, I'm going out to dinner soon to escape, but needed to come here again.  I still can hardly believe it.   I found another pic of him I really like so here's sharing it with all...  those rugged good looks and his intense spirit sure will be missed.

Offline ennisjack

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #287 on: January 23, 2008, 07:02:56 am »
It´s beautiful and touching,Ennisjack¡ It´s what he deserves... :'(

Do you know?Now I´m thinking in Matilda,specially,and also in Michelle and Jake.She must have an awful time because-no matter what happenned between them-he´s her daughter´s father,and that´s forever.And Jake was a good friend,the man whom he gaves her daughter as a godfather; so I think he´s devastated right now but he will always lok after her as a duty for his friend.I´m crying,sorry...

    Thank, myprivatejack. I'm glad that you enjoyed it. i almost cried just writing the thing, so, i'm happy that someone found it touching. van't really write worth a dang right now. take care.

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #288 on: January 23, 2008, 07:30:51 am »
I have to start getting ready for work, but I literally didn't sleep at all. I woke up at three, and i did not fall asleep again for a minute. I am also even sadder now than I was last night.

I have been thinking about BBM, about that it somehow always gave me hope, that by realizing ones mistakes, it is possible to change and have a better life. But now, I just cannot separate the movie and Heath. I don't think it is possible to feel that message anymore now at all. I don't know how it will be possible to find hope in BBM knowing that Heath is gone.  BBM will be nothing but an unbearable tragedy, just a reminder and a memorial of a great talent and a beautiful soul whose life was far, far too short.

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #289 on: January 23, 2008, 08:28:51 am »



         thanks elle

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