Melissa, I've just had a thought. I think Rottnest Island is located off the coast of Perth and that it buffers much of the wave activity coming in off the Indian Ocean, taking much of the brunt of the waves. What this means for the beaches of Perth, is that they don't have much of a surf to speak of. The water is quite flat, because Rottnest Island protects the beaches. That beautiful baptism-like ceremony for Heath's soul, that we saw at Heath's wake, would not be possible on a Sydney beach, for example. You'd be dumped by the force of the waves.Yes, I think it was my brother who once told me that the beaches of Perth are protected by off-shore Rottnest Island.
No matter all these nonsenses,because long time ago you've won the Oscar for the best actor in our opinions;and what's more-and more beautiful-you´ve won forever a prize better than this one,as an actor and as a person.THE OSCAR OF OUR HEARTS. We will always love you,Ennis Del Mar.
I can't say I was a huge HL fan because i'd only ever seen 2 of his movies. I did recognize that he was very talented. I think he was on his way to becoming HUGE and being recognized as one of the more talented actors of our time. I was at the gym on the treadmill when I saw the news scroll across the screen on the E! channel. I just stopped. I ran over to my bf and blurted out, "Heath Ledger just died!" We were both dumbfounded. I didn't expect his death to affect me like it did. I was so sad not only because he was so young but also because he was on the brink of superstardom and he had a little girl. He just blew me away in BBM. I couldn't imagine anyone else playing Ennis.
Thanks for sharing that, MsMercury and welcome to Bettermost...