Author Topic: Heath Ledger - News Accounts  (Read 1212289 times)

Offline Sandy

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #380 on: February 02, 2008, 01:41:36 pm »
As a side comment, I've often wondered why it seems that celebrities tend to only date/marry other celebrities.

I think that it is incredibly difficult for a non-celebrity to get close enough to a celebrity for a connection to be made.  I would have loved to have met Heath, and would love to meet Jake, but when would I ever have the chance? Even if there was going to be an attraction, there would be less than a moment for it to be realised.

Offline Berit

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #381 on: February 02, 2008, 01:43:29 pm »
Nick Cage, didn't he marry a waitress or something......
Ennis.....always Ennis.....

Offline delalluvia

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #382 on: February 02, 2008, 01:45:01 pm »
Hmmm, why in the world would Heath attend a party thrown by the very people he moved to the other side of the planet to avoid? - the paparazzi?

I'm not sure I buy that Daily Telegraph addendum.

Offline Fran

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #383 on: February 02, 2008, 01:55:44 pm »
Hmmm, why in the world would Heath attend a party thrown by the very people he moved to the other side of the planet to avoid? - the paparazzi?

I'm not sure I buy that Daily Telegraph addendum.

I'm thinking he didn't realize that.  It could have been little Hollywood nobodies working with the paparazzi or paparazzi pretending to be other people.  He was mislead into thinking that these people were "friends."  At one point, Heath even said something like, "Where are you guys from?"  He was trying to be friendly.


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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #384 on: February 02, 2008, 01:58:59 pm »
As a side comment, I've often wondered why it seems that celebrities tend to only date/marry other celebrities.  Heath's setup kind of answers that question for me.  Who else can they really trust?  How can they let their guard down enough to get close to someone not in the business?

Several years back, I did features regularly for a weekly newspaper that functioned as Atlanta's city magazine. Mind you, I wasn't anything within shouting distance of being a "celebrity", even a local one -- just a local writer whose byline appeared regularly.  And people started driving me nuts.  Former schoolmates whom I'd had little contact with previously became my new best friends -- especially when there was a concert in town they hoped to get freebies for -- and I regularly went out on dates with guys who "just happened" to have a band or a new business they wanted written up. (That was always put to me as giving me a "hot tip for a story", LOL....)  And I remember thinking OMG, now I understand why celebrities are so parannoid about everybody wanting a piece of them: I'd only taken a few small nibbles out of a huge buffet and those nibbles were already giving me food poisoning, so to speak.

But actors marrying other actors can be a mistake.  I have a former classmate who's had a very successful career as a film costume designer, and she married a guy who's a superintendent in the Los Angeles Public Works department.  "Always marry outside The Business," she says.   8)

Offline delalluvia

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #385 on: February 02, 2008, 02:15:31 pm »

As a side comment, I've often wondered why it seems that celebrities tend to only date/marry other celebrities.

It's easier.  You date men/women you work with/go to school with/live near, don't you?

I can't imagine dating a celebrity.

Hey, I just met and am now dating actor X.

I live in (for sake of this example) an L.A. suburb.  I work 40-50 week job.  I only have weekends and my evenings off.

He's shooting a movie in town.  He works until 10 pm almost every night.  Can I see him during the week?  Not likely, not if I want to still be able to get up in the morning to get to my job.  I can't talk to him during the day on my phone because my job limits my personal calls.  He doesn't take lunch when I do.  We can only leave messages for each other.

I can see him during the weekends - maybe - that is if he doesn't have reshoots or other such things to do.

Then he's either off for several months, well, after he does the publicity for his movie.  Then we will have more time to date, but not if he wants to keep working.

Now he's off to his next movie - in a faraway country for 3-6 months.  Can I go to that country?  Yeah, if he will pay for it.  I certainly can't afford it.  Can I stay for weeks?  No, only for a weekend before I need to get back to work.

So we can only call/text - he's in a different time zone from me, he has publicity jaunts to do  - blah blah blah

I'm actually shocked when movie star celebrities date people outside the business.  It would be extremely difficult - unless of course, you're like Nic Cage's girlfriend or Clooney's last - someone working a waitressing job in an L.A. restaurant or casino.  A job easy to replace.  Then they just seem to quit their jobs, living off their celebrity boyfriends until the relationship ends or they get pregnant/married, then move on.


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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #386 on: February 02, 2008, 02:38:08 pm »

            Del I love your sig photo beautiful.

     Beautiful mind

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #387 on: February 02, 2008, 02:43:40 pm »
Sandra Bullock married a guy who, I think, sells or fixes motorcycles. If I remember the story correctly, she was with her nephew, who loves motorcycles, so they stopped into this shop to look around. The owner was smitten with Sandra and started calling and/or emailing her. She rejected him repeatedly, but he was so persistent that eventually she gave in and they have lived happily ever after ... so far.

What I thought when I read that story was, wow, what amazing chutzpah and confidence that guy has -- he not only asks a big movie star out in the first place, but then keeps on doing it even after being rejected! Who but a creepy stalker would do that? Yet eventually Sandra fell in love.

You probably need that much chutzpah and confidence to marry a celebrity if you're not one. Because not only would you have the scheduling conflicts that Del mentioned, not only would you have to see your loved one constantly hit on by other people, but you'd have to see your own photo splashed all over the tabs under the headline (or at least the implication) "Why would he go out with her???"

I can think of a number of celebrity/non-celebrity matches. But in most cases, the non-celebrity is either really rich and successful but just not famous, or works in the entertainment industry in some capacity (producer, agent, key grip, whatever).

Offline Fran

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #388 on: February 02, 2008, 03:14:11 pm »

I can't imagine dating a celebrity.

Hey, I just met and am now dating actor X.

I live in (for sake of this example) an L.A. suburb.  I work 40-50 week job.  I only have weekends and my evenings off.

He's shooting a movie in town.  He works until 10 pm almost every night.  Can I see him during the week?  Not likely, not if I want to still be able to get up in the morning to get to my job.  I can't talk to him during the day on my phone because my job limits my personal calls.  He doesn't take lunch when I do.  We can only leave messages for each other.

I can see him during the weekends - maybe - that is if he doesn't have reshoots or other such things to do.

Then he's either off for several months, well, after he does the publicity for his movie.  Then we will have more time to date, but not if he wants to keep working.

Now he's off to his next movie - in a faraway country for 3-6 months.  Can I go to that country?  Yeah, if he will pay for it.  I certainly can't afford it.  Can I stay for weeks?  No, only for a weekend before I need to get back to work.

So we can only call/text - he's in a different time zone from me, he has publicity jaunts to do  - blah blah blah

Del, I'm afraid you just shattered a lot of dreams.   ;)

Seriously, though, you're right.  Maintaining such a relationship would be extremely difficult even if one was lucky enough to spark an attraction in the first place.

Thanks, everyone, for your comments.

Offline opinionista

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Accounts
« Reply #389 on: February 02, 2008, 03:34:22 pm »
It's easier.  You date men/women you work with/go to school with/live near, don't you?

I can't imagine dating a celebrity.

Hey, I just met and am now dating actor X.

I live in (for sake of this example) an L.A. suburb.  I work 40-50 week job.  I only have weekends and my evenings off.

He's shooting a movie in town.  He works until 10 pm almost every night.  Can I see him during the week?  Not likely, not if I want to still be able to get up in the morning to get to my job.  I can't talk to him during the day on my phone because my job limits my personal calls.  He doesn't take lunch when I do.  We can only leave messages for each other.

I can see him during the weekends - maybe - that is if he doesn't have reshoots or other such things to do.

Then he's either off for several months, well, after he does the publicity for his movie.  Then we will have more time to date, but not if he wants to keep working.

Now he's off to his next movie - in a faraway country for 3-6 months.  Can I go to that country?  Yeah, if he will pay for it.  I certainly can't afford it.  Can I stay for weeks?  No, only for a weekend before I need to get back to work.

So we can only call/text - he's in a different time zone from me, he has publicity jaunts to do  - blah blah blah

I'm actually shocked when movie star celebrities date people outside the business.  It would be extremely difficult - unless of course, you're like Nic Cage's girlfriend or Clooney's last - someone working a waitressing job in an L.A. restaurant or casino.  A job easy to replace.  Then they just seem to quit their jobs, living off their celebrity boyfriends until the relationship ends or they get pregnant/married, then move on.


Mantaining any relationship is difficult. Period. It doesn't matter if you partner is a famous person. I don't think I would ever date a celebrity simply because I am not in the entertainment industry and it makes it harder for me to meet an actor. As Del says people usually meet other people at work or at places where you hang out the most. Certainly there are cases in which one meets another randomly, but that is usually rare.

However, If do happen to meet someone who's famous and like him (just because he is famous doesn't mean I have to like him), I'd give it a shot. Why not? I'm not personally worried about schedule issues because I know they can be worked out. Hell, journalists tend to have an awful schedule, sometimes worse than an actor would. So do doctors, nurses, some lawyers, cops etc. Not everybody works 9 to 5.

PS. Sorry for going OT here, I couldn't help myself. Back to the original topic.  :)
Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement. -Mark Twain.