Author Topic: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%  (Read 2030125 times)

Offline alec716

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** Since Jiminy Cricket and the owls have spoken, I guess I can jump in... just don't shoot me like a kai-oat if my timing is bad!**

((As JACK peels potatoes, ENNIS goes to warsh ever’thing he can reach.  ENNIS walks to the bucket of warm water, strips off all but his hat, squats, grabs TERRY CLOTH and gets ta warshin’.  No instruction manual needed.))

TC: ** This guy has a firm hold on me… feels like he could wring me out a hunderd times.  Hell, he’s got me all in a lather. **

((ENNIS pushes TERRY CLOTH up across his torso.))

TC: ** What’s up ahead?  Hell, some not-so-silky armpit hair.  Cowboy here didn’t hardly have no deodorant in that paper bag.  I swear, must be no Secret in Signal, that’s fer d*mn Sure.  I might asphyxiate from the smell.  Where does this guy buy his personal hygiene products, in the condiments aisle?**

((ENNIS slowly pushes TERRY CLOTH all the way to the south pole or the equator depending on which way you thought you were sailing.  Along the trip, while sleddin’ downhill in ENNIS’ grip like ALMA next winter, TERRY CLOTH speaks.))

TC:  Fast or slow, I like the direction you’re goin’.

TC: ** All the travelin’ I ever done is around this man, lookin’ for the handle.**

((TERRY CLOTH takes his eyes off of ENNIS’ goobly bits and looks farther afield for just a second.))

TC: ** Now why is that sweet-lookin’ guy in the dark hat starin’ at me out a the corner of his eye?  Might be kinda jealous a where I’m goin’.  I wouldn’t mind switchin’ places with his cigarette, even if I gotta smell some cat piss along the way. **

((TC gasps suddenly).)

TC: ** Tell you what, I know who he is… he had ta use my great-grandtowel to wipe up after his Twisted daddy Stud Duck hosed him down.**

((TERRY CLOTH resumes his watch of the trail ahead as ENNIS continues to send TERRY CLOTH down the southbound lane of a country mile.))

TC:  Sh*t, that’s hard.

((TERRY CLOTH’s compulsory journey to Down Under continues.))

TC:  Whoa, whoa, are those apples?  Turns out I got a low startle point too!  Is that pair a deuces lookin’ for work?

((and as ENNIS’ full moon comes into view…))

TC:  No, I can’t drink no suds right now… but I’ll sure have a piece a cherr….

((BASQUE SHEPHERD’S HOOK enters horizontally from Stage Right and yanks TERRY CLOTH out of ENNIS’ hand and, mercifully, offstage.  SHEEP pelt TERRY CLOTH with BetterMost Bean cans as he vanishes from sight and is taken to have his mouth warshed out with soap.))

(TERRY CLOTH yells from offstage):

TC:  One curve on his whole body, and I miss it!
"... he is suffused with a sense of pleasure because Jack Twist was in his dream."


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%%softly blowing on the ever present Wyoming Wind%%

Way out here they have a name for wind and rain and fire
The rain is Tess , the fire's Joe, and they call the wind Clarissa
Clarissa blows the stars around, sets the clouds a'flyin'
Clarissa makes the mountain sound like folks was up there dyin'
Clarissa, (Clarissa), Clarissa (Clarissa), they call the wind Clarisssssssaaaaa!

Offline RouxB

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My English sometimes (selectively) suffers-can someone tell me where we are in the story? I'd hate to miss delivering them beans to the boys.

The Basque


Offline southendmd

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** Give the Acade-Ray Award to the towel right now!!!  Best Fire-Spittin' Performance**
« Last Edit: June 23, 2006, 03:33:31 pm by southendmd »

Offline newyearsday

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((wildly thrashing about now, losing it totally))

I don't know, Basque, but I'm about to throw myself off a cliff here if we don't back up and s-l-o-w  d-o--w-n!!!
Revelationtees--wear them for good. Profits go to the Matthew Shepard Foundation: & (for EU)
"One life, with each other..."

Offline YaadPyar

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(( FSD hurridly but calmly hangs Feng Shui chimes in trees to surround LSP horse with positive, affirming energy so she doesn't freak out. ))

** The pleasing sound of windchimes is said to activate favorable energy of Sheng Chi in four different tunings for Fortune, Energy, Peace and Imagination. **

(( LSP horse hears chimes and is immediately soothed.  PHEW! ))
"Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much life. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you're bound to live life fully." (Harold & Maude - 1971)

Offline Mikaela

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**Loud rounds of applause for Terry Cloth from offstage**

=Mika thinks= %% Wow, that was HOT - no wonder we've all lost our sense of time and place and scene! Good to see peace and calm being skilfully restored to the mountain proceedings though!%%

Offline Lumière

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((Indapaddock inspired by FSD's Tree Chimes has decided to take a trip to the Spa...
where others are already enjoying the facilities ....))

((  He relaxes ... washed over with Feng Shui calmness ))

((...Meanwhile back at the mountain... The DUMB-ASS MUSICAL MULE, MIKA reaps the benefits of her new make-over ...))

Offline Pipedream

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((Props Magician Anke Spanky almost loses it, applauding wildly at the untimely but brilliant performance of the warshrag))

** Hey cloth! You want some free laundry, don't ya? Piece of detergent? **  ;D
« Last Edit: June 23, 2006, 03:56:49 pm by Pipedream »

Offline Lumière

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(( Proud BAM crew offer the WARSH CLOTH a golden towel rack for his fantastic performance
and for keeping Ennis' bits spotlessly and squeaky clean ...
Now he can drap himself all over this rack and catch his breath after that performance...))