Author Topic: <-- Introduce Yourself -->  (Read 934544 times)

Offline ednbarby

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #190 on: May 17, 2006, 09:30:23 am »
Hello, Lily, Aileen, and Claireluna.  So nice to see more new folks here and from such diverse areas!

I'm Barb.  I've been here at BetterMost since March, I believe.  I was on the IMDb BBM board for quite some time until it got particularly ugly right before the Academy Awards, then Leslie (lnicoll), kind soul that she is, lassoed me and brought me to the Pierre Tremblay board over there.  I live in Hurricane Central - southern Florida.  Can't wait to see what this year's season has in store for us.  Not.   :-\  Anyway, I first saw the movie the second week it was released here in the theaters - the first week of January.  Couldn't stop thinking about it.  Saw it again two weeks later and was so devastated by that viewing, I had to take a month off from watching it again - just didn't think I could bear it.  And I, too, was infuriated when it didn't win the Best Picture Oscar.  Still am.  I've vowed to never watch those awards again, and that's saying a lot for someone who watched them religiously for the last 20 years.  Now I've seen Brokeback five times in the theaters (and soon to be six, then seven in San Francisco ;D) and as many times on DVD.  Like everyone else here, I think it's a masterpiece.  I've yet to watch it and not notice something new I'd never noticed before.  Not even remotely tired of watching it yet, and I don't see as I ever will be.

We here all know how hard it is to have friends and loved ones just not get it.  Thank God we have each other, or we'd all be walking around mumbling incoherently to ourselves every waking moment.  Well, I do that anyway.  But this forum helps me keep it down to a dull roar.

Nice to know you all.  It's always lovely to meet another kindred spirit.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2006, 09:51:38 am by ednbarby »
No more beans!

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Re: Wanted to Introduce Myself
« Reply #191 on: May 18, 2006, 09:17:46 am »
Welcome back in your new incarnation, Joe!
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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #192 on: May 21, 2006, 11:47:11 am »
My name is Edward I am 23and from the UK,. I only watched the film a day ago, I first heard about the film BbM a few months ago, from what was on TV I heard it was about being gay and confused and about lost love ect, Some how I just knew I had to see that film.
   Since I left high school I haven’t had any serous girlfriends, I don’t know why its just when I hit 16 I just didn’t feel anything towards them I guess. When I was 17 I got my own computer secondhand and started to explore the Internet, I met this guy on a chat site, we shared common interests. After a year or so we decided to go camping together out in the countryside for a break. We took our own tents and went into a quite place by the river. We talked all night around the fire and somehow I still don’t know why it happened but we kissed. Things got more intense from there, we spent the night together and the next 3 nights we slept with each other. On the last day it was terrible, we talked about how we could make this perfect moment last but sadly things were not that simple. He came from Switzerland and had a rough childhood; he said to me he wasn’t gay he just loved me, I told him that I thought I was gay but that I loved him. He told me if he told his folks that he was gay he would lose everything. However my parents once asked me if I was gay, they said they would still love me, but I told them I wasn’t, I don’t know why I did that, I guess I was so ashamed of myself and didn’t want anyone to know.
   We parted and remained good friends and every year since the last 5 years we have 1 or 2 weeks holiday together. This year was different, he moved to London and I moved from my parents down to be with him, I told everyone here I was just going to be a sharing his apartment, they believed me and wished me luck. I left everything to live in the big city with him, my horse my job my old life.
   He was so unhappy living in London, as was I, I had always lived in the country and the city was just a horrible place to live. The job he had was crappy and the place we stayed in wasn’t any better, so we both agreed the situation wasn’t going to get any better and we both moved back home, things are the same as always, its back to 1 or 2 weeks a year, when we have our perfect moment.
Every year I tried to meet a girl with plans to have a family, just because I wanted to make my parents happy. But I always screw it up, I never tell them my true feelings and they always break up, and I never really care

I waited to get the film on DVD; I even ordered it online to come in the post, as I didn’t want anyone to see me buying it. I watched it last night in my room. I was a total wreck watching it, I could hardly see through the tears at times.
I keep thinking about the film a lot, I don’t want my life to be like that, I don’t want to waste our youth, and I don’t think I can stand just 2 weeks in every year.


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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #193 on: May 21, 2006, 02:06:52 pm »
A very warm welcome to you Edward, thank you for sharing your very moving story. I hope coming to BetterMost is the beginning of a new chapter for you! As a parent, I strongly hope that you will gain the resolve to be honest and forthcoming with your parents, soon as you feel you are able. Best wishes, Front-Ranger (Lee)
"chewing gum and duct tape"

Offline Pipedream

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #194 on: May 21, 2006, 02:16:12 pm »

Welcome Edward! Seriously, you don't have to start a cow and calf operation, but in my opinion you should make an effort to secure a sweet life for you and your Swiss boyfriend anyway! Forget about dating girls and be honest to yourself and to your parents. Remember old Mrs. Twist? Most mums understand! I sure hope everything turns out right for you. Welcome again!

ANKE  :)

Offline Becky

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #195 on: May 23, 2006, 03:55:01 pm »
I have just read through this thread and I realised that I haven't posted about myself.
I am no one new so all you regulars already know this(so you can switch off round about now), but just a quick "Hello!" from me to all you new people.
Well I am Becky I am 15, infact one of the youngest here at Bettermost(but definitely not the most immature  ;D). I have been here at BM since the 31st of March(I have just checked) and I am loving it so far. I came over here in March cause of the troll invasion we had in IMDb and I have loved it here ever since. As I said my name is Becky, I have blonde hair and blue eyes, I live in Bedford, UK (an hour and a half drive south to London). I live with my mum, dad and sister. My sister is called Kirsty(or Krusty), she is 18(soon to be 19)and she is also known as the "Crash" sister as she actually loves the film. And our fights about it are infamous. My birthday is on the 17th of October. I am not the brightest crayon in the box, but I apparently have my moments of quick witt, trust me you will be lucky if you catch me in one of these rare moments cause they happen once in a blue moon.
I have been completely besotted with BBM ever since I saw it on the 8th January 2006 in Cambridge. And soon after I found the guys on IMDb. I love everything BBM and I infact have a whole BBM scrapbook, I know it is sad but it controls my collecting OCD.( I don't really have OCD but it is what I call my hording of BBM related stuff). I have made some really good friends here and I love you all. :-* Most of my friends are also powerful people here at Bettermost, so watch your step....A'ight.  :laugh:
I normally spend most of my time on the Chez Tremblay and The Lighter Side of the Mountain boards, so if you go over there you will probably stumble across one of my post sooner or later.
I have also started doing a trilogy of quizes, so if anyone wants to take a look, be my guest: to stop her self singing Disney songs!)
My posts are normally a better quality than this, but I am watching ER at the same time as watching this, so don't blame me if I randomly right ER characters names in this post.
I hope I get to know all the people I don't already know, cause you all seem like wonderful people from what I have read.
I am off to go and watch ER cause my brain hurts from all the multi-tasking.
Beckala :-*
« Last Edit: May 23, 2006, 04:16:11 pm by Becky »
"Look too often at those hills, lie too long beside those rippling rivers, and you may think you are hearing a love song, when actually it is a death song." Larry McMurtry, Brokeback Mountain: Story to Screenplay.

Offline alec716

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #196 on: June 04, 2006, 09:33:52 pm »
Hello fellow Brokies.... my name is Alec and joining this site is definitely a first for me ... a "one-shot deal," to quote one of our mutual friends.  I have been reading this site and the IMDB board for a while, on and off as time permits.  I have never been so affected by a story or a movie as I have been by Brokeback Mountain.  Discerning, articulating, and processing all that Jack & Ennis have to teach us will take eons.  I won't likely have much time to participate online, but I do look forward to enjoying and benefitting from the ongoing commentary and discussions when I am able.  I am in the process of moving from Washington, D.C., where I have lived and worked in public service for 18 years, back home to the Buffalo, NY area.  I think this site is a terrific idea and I have to believe that many people are benefitting from it.  I look forward to getting to know you as time marches on.
"... he is suffused with a sense of pleasure because Jack Twist was in his dream."


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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #197 on: June 05, 2006, 08:59:40 am »
Oh...let's see (I'm no good at bios).  :)

I'm Gregg, a 50 year old (this past May) gay male living in Tucson, Arizona. Just moved from Portland Oregon a year ago (where I lived for 12 years). Quite a climate change, huh? I work at the University of Arizona. Honestly, this is the first forum I've ever joined! I see that I am not the only person who has been so deeply impacted by this Ang Lee masterpiece.
I have read Annie Proulx' Wyoming Stories of course, and the author possesses extraordinary literary range. As I write this, I am listening to the BBM soundtrack (downloaded on my iTunes over the weekend) and the Gustavo Santaolalla instrumentals make my heart soar.

I'm probaly more an "Ennis" type than a Jack type, but realistically, an amalgam of both. Like Ennis, I'm not big on endearments.  ;)

I heard about BetterMost over at IMDB, where I read voraciously, but never posted.
Thanks for the welcome!
« Last Edit: June 05, 2006, 10:09:58 am by gattaca »

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #198 on: June 05, 2006, 09:41:05 am »
Welcome to BetterMost Gregg!

     There are alot of us IMDB refugees here.  We mostly post in the "Chez Tremblay" area.    But we try to spread out and post everywhere.    The "Anything Goes" area is good too.   If you liked IMDB  you'll LOVE it here at BetterMost.Net !


Offline OhopeBeach

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #199 on: June 07, 2006, 05:02:16 pm »
Hi All

I'm Becky, 34 married with 2 kids.  I just saw this amazing movie for the first time on Saturday night.  It is Wednesday and I am still crying.  From reading a bit here today, I guess I should expect to be crying for awhile more still.

I don't think I have ever been so obessed with a movie.  I was lying in bed last night, couldn't sleep, so I went downstairs and watched some of the key scenes again.  The reunion being very, very high on my list of favorites.  All the Ennis and Jack scenes are so poignant.  And now that I know how it ends, I cry that much more when I see them.

I watched all the DVD extras, not nearly enough if you ask me, which I never do.  I would love for this DVD to have commentary, like every other DVD I have ever rented (and i never listen to).  I would love deleted scenes, just more more more of anything.

I can't stop thinking about Ennis and Jack and just crying...