Author Topic: <-- Introduce Yourself -->  (Read 934331 times)

Offline Lynne

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #450 on: November 28, 2006, 03:45:53 am »
I know this will have a profound effect on my life, I'm so glad I saw it.

Welcome to BetterMost, Andrew - I'm very glad you found us.  It sounds as if you are one of the lucky people who were in the right frame of mind, place in your life, whatever... to receive the complex and disturbing and beautiful messages of this movie.  That means you'll fit in around here just fine :).  All of us were touched by it, in different ways, and for different reasons, but with an intensity that is phenomenal.

As a med student, you might appreciate Leslie's clinical treatise on this phenomenon known as Brokeback Fever.  Here's the link:

I saw in another post that you were going to watch again before you had to return the movie to the rental store.  And I know I might be being a tad presumptuous, but...word on the street here is that you may as well buy it because you're going to need to be watching it regularly for quite some time to come.  ::) 8) ::)

Again, Welcome!!
"Laß sein. Laß sein."

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #451 on: November 28, 2006, 05:42:15 am »
welcome andrew... I'm sure this place will feel like home shortly - we're a friendly bunch!

Please use the following links when shopping online -It will help us raise money without costing you a penny.

Offline Samrim

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #452 on: November 28, 2006, 06:48:16 am »
Hello Andrew,

I'm glad you have joined our Brokie Club :) your fierce response to this miraculous film mirrors mine,and everyone else who loved it.

I'm elderly, and have never had a relationship. I was young in the sixties, when the UK law was changed to make us gays 'legal, at least in private! Why in private for G*d's sake, hets can hold hands, touch in public, but not gay men. ??? Here in North Lincolnshire all I could do was keep my head down and hope no one noticed me! I never spoke consciously to another gay until my late twenties.

I was never an Ennis to look at, but his situation mirrored mine, that's why I love the film, everything about it, and especially our boys!

Welcome aboard.

Best Wishes

Sam :)

Offline brokebackjack

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #453 on: November 29, 2006, 05:13:47 am »
Hi Andrew--good to have you here!
We have all been there.........
"I couldn't stand it no more so i fixed it"

Offline calenloss

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #454 on: November 29, 2006, 05:50:49 pm »
Glad to be here. The website's been a good outlet - shame it isn't as fiery as it seems to have been in the early days.

Ready some of the stories on this thread in particular has been a very moving experience - Samrim in particular, I can't even begin to express how much your tale moved me. I hope that some things never come to late to you.

I guess I should tell mine - I've spent the past few days trying to work out why I was so taken with the film. Aside from being so well portrayed, I guess it's a result of my first love - we were young, I fell in love fast and it ended very very badly. I went through so much pain afterwards, I came out totally different - stronger, yes but cold & unable to open up. No relationship since has worked particularly well, I've become cold with men and yet try-hard - conversely, I am desperate to feel loved again. BBM has made me realise I can't live without that feeling, I know I can let myself by more vunerable. More painful route, but the amazing portrayal of the purity of the boys' bond has made me realise how far I have to go to get it from myself. I recently found out that he is still suffering because of our relationship, but I can't go back to him. I know that much - but I have heard how his life is now and I don't want that to happen to me. I wont screw up a good thing like that, like Ennis.

I have a...tempestuous and fragile relationship with someone who used to be my best friend. We're rarely "on" and now I'm beginning to fear that he might be the right one - I don't want to miss the chance again. Sadly, it's impossible right now. One day, maybe.

I love how BBM has forced me painfully to look at the parallels in my life that I've been trying to ignore. I know where things are going wrong. Hopefully it can teach me how to fix it.

I hope everyone else does too.

Thank you again for the welcomes.

Offline David

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #455 on: December 01, 2006, 08:46:58 am »
Andrew you are in good company here.   Alot of us have been devastated by this film after seeing it.   Many because we ultimately faced the fact that we were either Jack or Ennis.

I remember being in a funk for a good month or two after my many viewings.    Even to the point of standing looking out my window and crying for no apparent reason.     

Finding this site and talking to all these wonderful people has really helped me heal.
Watch for posts about BBM gatherings.     Many of us get together for a meal or a pint to talk and laugh.    This has been happening worldwide too.

   So don't despare.  For every Gay guy who rolls their eyes at the mention of BBM, there are many more of us fans out there!


Offline jerico_red

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #456 on: December 02, 2006, 10:19:15 pm »
I just found out about this forum from the imdb site where I started posting a few hours ago, but damn it if I can't get over the obsession by spreading myself over another board. If nobody mind's, I'd like to introduce myself by reposting my first post from there...

I heard all the hype and buzz on this movie when it first came up... didn't watch it.
Came out on dvd... looked past it while browsing the dvd section.
Now out on cable, I felt brave enough to watch it... and have watched it every night for the past 5 nights.
It takes a great deal for a movie to make me feel something like this, but it's never been this powerful to me. I cried at every tender moment, every intense moment, and sat rapt in attention throughout every scene. And every night I say to myself "I'll watch up to this one scene and turn it off" but the closeng credits are rolling before I realize it.
But the real reason it's affected me this much is because I'm in a brokeback-type relationship and the situations in the movie seem to mirror a lot to my frame of mind of what's been happening.
I consider myself bisexual and he has always affirmed his heterosexuality. How we met was very "right place, right time" and throughout these four years, we've always managed to stay as best friends without cementing anything as to our relationship even though I've hinted along those lines. Basically what it boils down to is that I'm the Jack to his Ennis. I guess it's easier than it was in the movie as we both live in the same city, and we have mutual friends who don't suspect anything (in fact they keep saying another of our friends has a man-crush on my Ennis). We've gotten very physical with each other when tensions rose high (sent each other to the hospital where we had matching scars stitched up) and even a reunion moment after he returned from living in Texas for a couple months.
But does this work?
I say that I'm the Jack because I would like a life together. Not out in the open as a couple, but as roomies just passing time. We're both in our thirties and I feel time is running short. The fact that Jack dies at 39 really shook me up. He has said that he doesn't want that because of his girls (he has three daughters) and is reluctant to show any sign that he's not as manly as people see him. Always questioning things like Ennis asking if people know what the situation is just by looking at him. In the movie (haven't read the short story), I noticed that neither Jack nor Ennis ever said the word love to each other although it's apparent they feel that for each other. I've said it a couple times but never heard it in return. We've had straight relationships throughout but never seem to work. In my case, I don't want any other reltionship anymore besides the one that's right in front of me.
I just realized that I'd been typing a whole lot of blabbering... this after another viewing of BBM. But since I had no other outlet, I wanted to share with other fans of the movie who felt as deeply for it as I do.

Offline Brown Eyes

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #457 on: December 02, 2006, 10:28:51 pm »
Welcome to BetterMost!

Want a cup of coffee don't you?  A piece of cherry cake?

Thanks for sharing your story!  Yup, BBM has impacted us all in amazing ways.  You're certainly in good company around here in that regard.  Have fun exploring our forums.

the world was asleep to our latent fuss - bowie

Offline jerico_red

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #458 on: December 02, 2006, 10:45:31 pm »
Thanks Amanda,

Can't eat no cake just yet.

There's so much insight about the movie here that I feel like it'll be a late night for me. That's ok, I've been having trouble sleeping since I watched the movie the first time. Seems like my dreams are filled with sheep herders and rodeos

Offline dot-matrix

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #459 on: December 02, 2006, 10:56:39 pm »

There's so much insight about the movie here that I feel like it'll be a late night for me. That's ok, I've been having trouble sleeping since I watched the movie the first time. Seems like my dreams are filled with sheep herders and rodeos

Welcome Jerico!  Your story is so poignant.  Hope it all works out for you some how.   I know what you mean about late nights.  I myself have spent many a late night in these parts.  So much insight, so much love and compassion on this board.  As for dreams filled with sheep herders and rodeo's...Me too little darlin, me too  :D  See you around the forum!
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