Different strokes for different folks? But blechh, and I do mean blechh!! Where's the vomit smiley when you need it?
http://christiandomesticdiscipline.com/how_to_discipline.htmlJust an example below. The whole site is devoted to this medieval BS:
The Application of Discipline to Your Wife
You must always remember those two sin dynamics common to all women, for the vast majority of your discipline will stem from her struggles concerning them. Of course, each wife has peculiar struggles for you to deal with as well, and you'll need to be aware of them when they rear their heads.
First, do not attempt to discipline your wife without first going to the Lord in prayer. No man alone is wise enough, and we must seek the Lord when faced with discipline issues.
There are two primary methods to discipline in the home towards wives, and one necessary means of grace. Following are the methods of discipline:
Exhortation. When your wife is sinning, exhort her with the Word. Use your Bibles, gents! This needs to be done with gentleness, and often you will need to repeat yourself several times (using similar words) before it sinks in. Remember always, when disciplining that the person before you is the most cherished, adored person in your universe. Treat her as such. If you have children, it may, depending on how her sin touched the children require that they be present. However, keep control of the situation. DO NOT LET THE CHILDREN EXHORT YOUR WIFE DIRECTLY! There are times when children may do so, but once you're involved, it's your show, Husband. If the children have something to say (and you feel that it needs to be heard) have them address you, and not her. You are your wife's leader and authority in the home, not the children. Do not risk upsetting that balance.
Rebuke and Lash. This is the harshest discipline a husband should administer, and it should always be done privately and with Godly, Biblical love. Usually, exhortation will have already taken place before this method is used, but there may come situations where this is the first step. The rebuke and lashing should be administered with a calm heart. Talk to your wife, let her know you are serious, and tell her why she is to be disciplined physically.