Yes, I've known Louise (on the internet) for some time. And she can bloody well look after herself.
Of course you do, and of course she can. I know her on the internet as well as in Real Lifeā¢, and can verify that in both venues Louise is quite capable and self-sufficient.
You sound angry about something or other, or so I gather from your use of "bloody well" as an adverb. But once again, I don't really know what you're getting at. Are you saying that Louise need not call herself a feminist because she can bloody well look after herself (requiring no help from feminism), or that by linking to her post I am implying she can not bloody well look after herself well enough to provide her own link? If it's the latter, is it your opinion that providing a link to other people's germane writing on a topic implies some sort of assumed helplessness on the part of the person who is linked? That would be a notion I haven't encountered before on the internet, where links to other writing are actually quite common. Me, I generally like it when someone provides a link to something I have written, and don't take it to mean the linker considers me incapable of bloody well looking after myself.