"pilled" WTF?I also never saw any Matrix nonsense.
The term "red-pilled" is a metaphor that describes a person who has come to believe in a supposed hidden reality. It originated from the 1999 film The Matrix, where the main character Neo is offered the choice to take a red pill or a blue pill. The red pill allows Neo to see the truth about the Matrix's oppressive nature, while the blue pill allows him to continue living in ignorance. The term "red-pilled" has been adopted by a variety of groups, including men's rights activists, conservative conspiracy theorists, and far-right extremist groups. The meaning of the term has expanded to encompass a wide ideological spectrum, and can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective. Some examples of how the term is used include: AwakeningA person who is "red-pilled" has awakened to the "truth" that men are at the mercy of women's power and desires. Oppositional consciousnessA "red-pilled" person has developed an oppositional consciousness against dominant cultural values, particularly those related to gender and racial equality. Political persuasion"Red-pilling" can also refer to the process of using political and ideological persuasion to convince others to view the world through an alternative lens.