Hiya BetterMost friends.

Oh my goodness, I'm looking forward to bed! It was a busy day at work, but I managed to get a good amount done, and get myself set up for tomorrow.
Was away on Sunday and Monday, my aunt Vi passed away on Thursday last week, and I had to drive to Pennsylvania to go to the wake.
Here is the complete summary of what went on. LOL It's meant to be laughed at.
I was unable to sleep on Saturday night, left for Pennsylvania on Sunday at 8am, driving my dad and Aunt Helen, who have a ......strained....relationship, three hours in a car, distracting them from potential fights. Aunt Helen is perpetually cold, so I sat in a hot car to appease her. After the three hour ride, we meet up with a few other out-of-town relatives at the hotel.
Aunt Helen needs a walker to get around, so every stop consisted of me unfolding the walker, bringing it to her, helping her out of the car, guiding her past potential trips, taking her back to the car, helping her back in, folding the walker, and putting it back in the car.
Got her to the wake, repeat all the above.
Got her to the dinner after, repeat all the above.
Got back to the hotel, repeat all the above (it's now 8:30) and I decided to read for a while, and go to bed at 10:30, as I have to be up at 7:00 for the funeral. I forgot my sleeping aids, but I'm so tired, not a problem, or so I think. (do you sense the turn in the story?)
I'm awakened at 3:00am by my father pounding on the door to my room. Aunt Helen got up just before 3, decided she needed to use the bathroom, and on the way out of the bathroom, fell and couldn't get up.

I go to Aunt Helen's room with dad. She's unhurt, just shaken, and unable to get herself up. We get her up and back into bed, and retire to our own rooms. Of course, now I'm fully awake and spend the rest of the night tossing and turning. I finally drift off, to be awakened at 6:40am by a knocking at my door. I throw on some clothes and open it to find Aunt Helen standing there, already dressed for the funeral. She doesn't say "good morning", but rather greets me with: "What time were you getting up? I want coffee." I replied with "I planned to get up at 7." She answers "Well, it's almost 7.". I scowl and say "But it's NOT 7." She laughs and says "I"ll go see what your old man is doing." I counter with "If you're smart, you'll leave him alone now."
I then offer to go get her coffee from Dunkin' Donuts across the street at 7, and tell her to go back to her room.
I throw on sweats and get ready to get coffee, and there's a knock at the door. It's dad, he's dressed for the funeral, and he tells me all the relatives are going for breakfast together at the diner down the street. No one told me this prior, so I rush to get dressed (no shower) and get outside.
Get to the funeral, and Aunt Vi's sons reveal that they are short a pallbearer. So I am the last-minute addition.
The repast passes without incident.
I'm exhausted, but my father is more than I, so I drive the 3 hours home.