Author Topic: Shelter: The "gay surfer movie" (it's so much more!). See it now and discuss it!  (Read 395594 times)


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YOU GUYS!!!!  >:(  ::)

uh oh!! we forgot about SNORK!!  :o :o

It was all David's fault!! I am completely innocent! I sent him like fifteen pms telling him to behave!! I did!!


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[OOh! I understand your discomfort! Totally. Thinking about it would keep bugging me like that too. I will actually exhibit some of my stuff at the end of the year. It's going to be the first time ever! There'll be three of us. One of them had her paintings in an exhibition for the first time 2 years ago and she even sold 4 paintings (not to people she knew). She said it was a real thrill! But I wonder how you put prices on your pictures?! I have no clue whatsoever and I really don't feel like anyone's gonna want to buy anyway (that's not why I'll exhibit, but some part of me does want to know if people could/would like my stuff..). Then I have the problem to give away (or sell in this case) anything I do (I draw and take pictures too), because most of the time it is not finished (in my view) [someone once told me that this means something... when you never finish a painting or drawing.. Whatevva!].

About the exhibit - my friend told me, when you give a price that's too low, people wonder, because they will think/sense that you don't appreciate your own work. Aaah, I have a few more months to think about this, but it really bugs me.. Sometimes I'm shocked at the prices you see on paintings in small art galleries! How dare they? How do the artists expect to sell??]

Parenthesis closed.  :) But the guys there highjacked this thread too, so..

j. U. d. E.

I could not imagine...I would be totally confused and stressed! Good luck with it though...I would like to hear more..and see your work! (maybe you should start a blog????)  ;D ;D

*Jess shamelessly putting in a plug for the Bettermost Blogs*


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Yes, I think she did.

Cody was sleeping on the couch when Shaun took Zack in his arms (*siggggghhhhhh*). But remember when Zach and Gabe were in the car and Gabe wanted to smoke a joint, Zach objected because Cody was in the car. Gabe said 'he's asleep', but Cody wasn't and then Zach said that Cody was good at pretending to be asleep.

So I think Cody saw them together. But I also think Jeanne knew something was up. She asked Zach outright if he was a 'fag' and he never denied it. He just said 'what do you think?'. And when Cody told her about the dinner at Shaun's place, she put two and two together.

It struck me that Zack never had to come out to anyone (other than himself maybe). Everyone knew already. Kind of symbolic for the way he put everyone else's needs before his own.

I guess it's official now... I'm hooked!  :)

I felt that Cody was faking sleep in the 'good night kiss' scene but thought it was bad acting on the part of the kid...maybe we were MEANT to notice that he wasnt' really asleep??


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Yeah, that's pretty original about the movie. He never had to tell anybody "I have to tell you something. I'm gay." Which just shows how well Tori knows Zach and I just loved Gabe in that scene, those little "OK"s when Zach gets angry. I reallllly wish we could have seen more of him at the end too. He really played an important part in the whole storyline and he did have a lot to process (I thought it wasn't fair of Zach to turn the "it's a lot to take" comment back on him, he should've realised it wasn't easy for Gabe to realise that his best friend is gay and his own brother helped him out of the closet. LOL.)

I am so happy you are hooked on this movie too, Fabienne!  :-*

yes, I wish there HAD been more of Gabe later in the movie. It WAS a lot for him to process....not only did his own brother ''help him out of the closet'' but his best friend and his brother had formed a relationship that was more intimate then his own relationship with either....he HAD to be feeling a bit left out...third wheelish...

Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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We've managed to send another thread OT again Jess! Truman is gonna KILL US! :P :D

Yeah right. Nah, conversations diverge, it is human nature.
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

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I have another question. Do you think Jeanne found out from Cody?

I'm asking because the first thing she said in the living room was "Tell me that he's just confused" and I think she was referring to Cody.

It seems that way, but I cannot remember a scene where Cody may have seen them be affectionate with each other. You know kids, they are pretty perceptive. He may have said something like "Zach is my daddy and Shaun is my other daddy."
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

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I am going to squeeeee a little here...

Don't you all love the walkie-talkie scene at the end and Zach's voice when he says "Student bad. Made a bad judgement call."?

SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE! I love their voices, there is something so sexy about their voices. I was thinking it might be the California lazy drawl that I am attracted too (I lived in LA for a year).

That is the best, their facial expressions go so far, espcially when Shaun turns around and sees him.
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

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Cody was sleeping on the couch when Shaun took Zack in his arms (*siggggghhhhhh*). But remember when Zach and Gabe were in the car and Gabe wanted to smoke a joint, Zach objected because Cody was in the car. Gabe said 'he's asleep', but Cody wasn't and then Zach said that Cody was good at pretending to be asleep.

I guess it's official now... I'm hooked!  :)

Your exactly right! He wasn't asleap after all.
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."


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now I gotta see it again....I forgot about that last scene with the walkie talkies...

Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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  • Those were the days, Alberta 2007.
yes, I wish there HAD been more of Gabe later in the movie. It WAS a lot for him to process....not only did his own brother ''help him out of the closet'' but his best friend and his brother had formed a relationship that was more intimate then his own relationship with either....he HAD to be feeling a bit left out...third wheelish...

Gabe was a compelling character, but he was necessarily shallow, all show, all bluster.

Granted he was hung over when he got to the diner, and had no idea how to deal with it, he got his point out there that it was okay and should have left it at that. The writers knew better, it was an opportunity to get in that "thing" I tried to start a thread on once and I still don't think I got myself understood.

Gabe says "Guys give better head don't they?" and starts off on this thing I have experenced many times when a straight male acquaintence suddenly gets real interested in what I do in bed. It can be off putting, and because of Gabe's shallowness he cannot see that Zach is not about all that, he is dealing with something much more profound.

Now let me ask this: Did they ever say they loved each other?
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."