Hi Y'all, I am so happy. In the airport waiting for my plane to go home from the San Francisco BBM adventure, I suddenly had this great idea for how to use the plane time - I paid $9.95 for about half an hour of airport internet access (hey - what's $9.95 after the hundreds I just paid for this trip?), and downloaded various threads that I've been eager to read, but hadn't gotten to yet, like this one, so that I could catch up on them on the plane. So you all are with me on the plane. I also have the full screen BBM DVD in my laptop, and have been watching/listening to the scenes you all are talking about here. Here's my experience:
I just watched the "I love you" scene about 10 times, and definitely see the mouth twitch, twitch, twitch that could be it. I couldn't hear it though. I will watch it again in a a quieter place. I couldn't hear or see the "Oh Jack."
The "fuck me, fuck me" I absolutely heard, clear as a bell. It goes like this: Ennis spits in his hand, groans as he enters Jack, Jack groans and then says, "fuck me, fuck me." I have watched this scene a time or two hundred, and never heard it til now, but now I can't NOT hear it. I still can't see the handholding/reach around/cylinder, my DVD is way too dark.
The wedding ring is easy to see in the motel scene on the full screen version. In fact, it's why I bought the full screen version, because someone used that as an example of how much more of the edge of scenes you could see in it.
I have always been able to hear the first "c'mere" of the reunion scene, before the kiss (and the subtitles say it). The apres-kiss "c'mere" and "later," I can kind of hear them, but I don't see Ennis's mouth move.
I just spent an hour and fifteen minutes on this one thread - and the important videographic research.

Why do we care so much? Who are we?