Author Topic: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%  (Read 1741753 times)

Offline Daniel

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4500 on: August 01, 2007, 12:11:05 pm »

((looks around, startled by the sudden noise outside.))

What the hell was that? That ain't in the script.

((Jack is even more startled when Ennis suddenly reaches out and grabs his hand and pulls him back on top of him. Jack can't help but smile.))

That ain't exactly in the script either.
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline LauraGigs

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4501 on: August 01, 2007, 12:21:18 pm »
ENNIS:  Lets a few fingers trace through Jack's scalp, exploring the raven hair.

Breathes gently into Jack's ear:  Don't think I want it to be mornin just yet . . .

Offline Daniel

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4502 on: August 01, 2007, 12:28:26 pm »

((Jack shivers as Ennis's breath fans out across his skin.))

Boy, you keep talkin' like that, and it may be a week 'afore mornin' gets here.

((Jack reaches up and feels Ennis's rough face with his fingers, tracing the lines that have developed over the years. He breathes in Ennis's scent: old leather, cigarettes, the heady scent of perspiration that combined with Ennis's own personal fragrance: musky, earthy, and masculine. Jack lowers his head to Ennis's chest, relaxing against the muscles that had gotten more wiry over the years. He lifted his hands to Ennis's shirt, already fumbling with the buttons))

Yeah, I reckon it'll be a while before mornin'.
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline LauraGigs

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4503 on: August 01, 2007, 08:52:04 pm »

Quivers at the play of Jack's fingertips on his chest, flesh rising to meet his touch — nipples tingling as they come open into the brisk cool air, then Jack's wet mouth.

Writhes and kicks the too-tight bedroll out from around them both as the tent heats up with their quickening breaths — wanting nothing on him but the hot dark feel-flavor of Jack, Jack, Jack . . .   

Offline Daniel

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4504 on: August 03, 2007, 04:09:23 pm »

((Jack quickly moves his head up besides Ennis's and gently invades Ennis's mouth with his tongue.))

Mmmm, cat got yet rongue?

((He lets his hands roam across Ennis's wiry frame, emulsing himself in the soft-hard heat of the skin beneath them. He closes his eyes and gently prods Ennis to take over.... pulling on his lips with his own in urgency.))

Ennis? You gonna say sumthin'?
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline LauraGigs

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4505 on: August 04, 2007, 02:29:07 am »
ENNIS:  MMMMmmmm.  Hard t' talk with yer mouth on mine an all.  Not that I'm complainin . . .

Pulls them both up on their knees, facing each other. Holds the kiss all the while — ridding himself of his open flannel while feasting on the beautiful mouth.
Opens Jack's shirt and tosses it aside, pressing hot skin on skin before letting work-roughened fingers explore and tease down Jack's chest, over to the inside of each wrist and back up the arms, brushing moist musky armpit down and then sliding over to each nipple — fingering, circling, then pressing in hard.  Runs one hand then the other down each tight demin-clad thigh, nibbling Jack's lips through a deep baritone purr as his hands graze over each hip, teasingly bypassing the hot junction between.
Presses up past each hip again, one hand roaming up to take hold of Jack's hair, the other circling around to catch his bucking ass in its grip. Runs turgid lips across Jack's face and lick-whispers in his ear, deep voice like honey:

What you want there Jack?  Hunnhhh?  Whadda you want me ta do?  Anything you want cowboy.  Anything.

Offline Daniel

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4506 on: August 05, 2007, 08:36:42 am »

((As though triggered by a sudden memory, Jack suddenly pulls away. He was ashamed to tell Ennis what he really wanted. He'd tried before, to no avail.))

Ennis...  ((Despite the warmth that Ennis was now offering him, Jack couldn't help wonder how long it would last... how long until Ennis would push him away again.))

((Jack turns his head, feeling the bitter breeze of tears in his throat. He couldn't let Ennis see that...))

((With a cooling ardor, Jack pulls on his clothes again.)) Bit cold fer that, don'tcha think?
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Front-Ranger

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4507 on: August 05, 2007, 11:46:43 am »
**ATTENTION: Jack's pants have just gone on strike for a raise in pay. They have walked off the set! No understudy available, this is a low-budget movie after all!!**

"chewing gum and duct tape"

Offline LauraGigs

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4508 on: August 05, 2007, 02:05:08 pm »
ENNIS (thoroughly confused):


Uh — darlin?  If you don't wanna make out no more, why you walkin' around with no pants on?

Offline Sashca1007

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4509 on: August 05, 2007, 02:49:41 pm »
**ATTENTION: Jack's pants have just gone on strike for a raise in pay. They have walked off the set! No understudy available, this is a low-budget movie after all!!**

((JACK'S PANTS, slowly and indignantly rise to their full and stiff height, same as if Ma Twist had just used a whole can of Niagara Spray Starch on 'em.))

** Now, listen, little lady, you know that never happened, yer just tryin' to get a rise outta my 'Levi's' and get me back to work.  If you can CALL it work.  The very idea!  You think I need extra monetary incentive to wrap my Wrangler self around JACK'S precious parts?!  I'm thinkin' maybe yer jus' a little jealous that I get to cling to all JACK'S rounded parts and bulging parts and rock-hard parts and lean, muscular parts and get to rub all up against ENNIS's pants, and.... um...    YEAH, that's it!  Jealous!  ;D  Askin' fer more money?  Are you kidding?  I'm doin' this job Pro Bone-o, baby!   ;)**

(( After flinging forth what JACK'S PANTS mistakenly think is a snappy retort, they stride purposefully and hastily back to the Broken Arsed set.))


%% WHOA, what have we here?!  JACK, my boy, I'm right over here!  I thought with all the buckin' and roamin' and circlin' and... *ahem*  turgidity..  ::) you was wantin' yer thighs not to be so 'denim-clad' any more!  Did you change your mind mid-baritone purr? Mid-hot junction?  Well, that's okay, JACK, I understand how these things can go, but....I'll admit I'm torn....  no, no, not like that, I don't need no knee patch. I mean if you want me to come slide myself back up your thighs, you know I'll be right on that, but...   I gotta admit, sometimes I really like standin' back a ways and seein' you JACK'S PANTS-less...  what a purty sight.  Danged purty sight.  Whoo-eee.  (( Takes deep, shaky, yet satisfied breath...))  I'm right here, hun, grab me and start slidin' those legs right on in. %%

**'Walked off the set.'  Who's gonna believe that?!**   :laugh:

"From the vibration of the floorboard on which they both stood Ennis could feel how hard Jack was shaking."