Author Topic: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown  (Read 141560 times)

Offline Katie77

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #160 on: May 01, 2009, 03:46:26 am »
Miss California appears in anti-gay marriage ad
May 1, 2009, 11:27 am
Yahoo!7 Entertainment News
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LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - After failing to stop recent gay marriage approvals in several states, opponents have found an attractive, telegenic poster woman in Miss California, a move reminiscent of beauty queen Anita Bryant's 1970s crusade against gay rights.

Miss California, a Christian college student named Carrie Prejean, joined in a television ad campaign against gay marriage this week, upsetting homosexual rights advocates, including a head of the Miss California pageant.

In the commercial from the National Organization for Marriage, Prejean is shown at the Miss USA competition last month where she answered a question about same-sex marriage by saying she opposed it, drawing both boos and cheers and setting off a raucous debate.

After providing that answer, Prejean was named runner-up to Miss USA. She later said her view on marriage cost her the crown.

As gay marriage opponents have rallied around Miss California, they have also lost key battles in recent weeks.

On Wednesday, New Hampshire's Senate passed a bill to legalize same-sex marriage and if the governor signs it, the state could become the fifth to legalize gay weddings.

Last month, Iowa became the first Midwest state to allow gay marriage, and Vermont became the first to legalize it through legislative action.

Craig Rimmerman, co-editor of "The Politics of Same-Sex Marriage," said Prejean's rise to prominence comes as gay marriage opponents are on the defensive.

"The conservative right is wondering if same-sex marriage is as potent an issue politically as it was in the past," he said. "So for them to have a different spokeswoman who comes at this from a different background, they probably see this as a really positive development."


California is often characterized as a liberal state for politics in Los Angeles and San Francisco, but Prejean comes from a small town, Vista, in conservative San Diego County.

The 21-year-old is not a permanent spokeswoman for the National Organization for Marriage, but in recent weeks she has appeared on TV shows reaffirming her views on gay marriage, and on Thursday she joined the group to launch the TV ad.

"I think that Carrie's story is resonating incredibly," said Maggie Gallagher, the group's president. "Because she comes across as what she is, she's just a genuine, decent, honest person who stood up for truth and gave up the tiara."

In the 1970s, another beauty queen named Anita Bryant, a former Miss Oklahoma, became a voice against homosexuality after leading a campaign to repeal a Miami-area gay rights ordinance. She was famously quoted as saying, "If gays are granted rights, next we'll have to give rights to prostitutes and to people who sleep with St. Bernards and to nail-biters."

In contrast to Bryant's bluntness, Prejean has said she means "no offense," a phrase she used at the Miss USA pageant while answering a question from gay celebrity blogger Perez Hilton by stating, "in my country and in my family, I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman."

Keith Lewis, the co-executive director of the Miss California pageant, said Prejean was attended to by gay beauty experts before the Miss USA contest, and that he always knew her to be friendly to gays like himself.

But Lewis said he was disappointed with her stance against same-sex weddings, and that while she keeps her crown as Miss California, she is speaking for herself on gay marriage.

(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis: Editing by Bob Tourtellotte)

Now this puts a whole different slant on things.
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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #161 on: May 01, 2009, 06:01:28 am »
Miss California appears in anti-gay marriage ad
May 1, 2009, 11:27 am
Yahoo!7 Entertainment News
Latest stories and gossip
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - After failing to stop recent gay marriage approvals in several states, opponents have found an attractive, telegenic poster woman in Miss California, a move reminiscent of beauty queen Anita Bryant's 1970s crusade against gay rights.

Miss California, a Christian college student named Carrie Prejean, joined in a television ad campaign against gay marriage this week, upsetting homosexual rights advocates, including a head of the Miss California pageant.

In the commercial from the National Organization for Marriage, Prejean is shown at the Miss USA competition last month where she answered a question about same-sex marriage by saying she opposed it, drawing both boos and cheers and setting off a raucous debate.

After providing that answer, Prejean was named runner-up to Miss USA. She later said her view on marriage cost her the crown.

As gay marriage opponents have rallied around Miss California, they have also lost key battles in recent weeks.

On Wednesday, New Hampshire's Senate passed a bill to legalize same-sex marriage and if the governor signs it, the state could become the fifth to legalize gay weddings.

Last month, Iowa became the first Midwest state to allow gay marriage, and Vermont became the first to legalize it through legislative action.

Craig Rimmerman, co-editor of "The Politics of Same-Sex Marriage," said Prejean's rise to prominence comes as gay marriage opponents are on the defensive.

"The conservative right is wondering if same-sex marriage is as potent an issue politically as it was in the past," he said. "So for them to have a different spokeswoman who comes at this from a different background, they probably see this as a really positive development."


California is often characterized as a liberal state for politics in Los Angeles and San Francisco, but Prejean comes from a small town, Vista, in conservative San Diego County.

The 21-year-old is not a permanent spokeswoman for the National Organization for Marriage, but in recent weeks she has appeared on TV shows reaffirming her views on gay marriage, and on Thursday she joined the group to launch the TV ad.

"I think that Carrie's story is resonating incredibly," said Maggie Gallagher, the group's president. "Because she comes across as what she is, she's just a genuine, decent, honest person who stood up for truth and gave up the tiara."

In the 1970s, another beauty queen named Anita Bryant, a former Miss Oklahoma, became a voice against homosexuality after leading a campaign to repeal a Miami-area gay rights ordinance. She was famously quoted as saying, "If gays are granted rights, next we'll have to give rights to prostitutes and to people who sleep with St. Bernards and to nail-biters."

In contrast to Bryant's bluntness, Prejean has said she means "no offense," a phrase she used at the Miss USA pageant while answering a question from gay celebrity blogger Perez Hilton by stating, "in my country and in my family, I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman."

Keith Lewis, the co-executive director of the Miss California pageant, said Prejean was attended to by gay beauty experts before the Miss USA contest, and that he always knew her to be friendly to gays like himself.

But Lewis said he was disappointed with her stance against same-sex weddings, and that while she keeps her crown as Miss California, she is speaking for herself on gay marriage.

(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis: Editing by Bob Tourtellotte)

Now this puts a whole different slant on things.

It is not surprising she would be used as a front/spokesperson for anti-gay hate groups. She is pretty and telegenic and uses polite and unoffensive language (to many) and so she can be used as a tool to try and con people. The comment in the article about how friendly she is to gay people reminds me of white people in the 50's and 60's who where also good law abiding church going folk who would say they had no problem with the "Negro's", and could and would be perfectly nice and civil to the black people in their communities, so long as they didn't get "uppity" and demand their full and equal rights. People like Miss. CA. are like that. They're fine with Gay people, so long as they know their place and are content to ride in the back of the bus.

Offline Katie77

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #162 on: May 01, 2009, 06:25:25 am »
It is not surprising she would be used as a front/spokesperson for anti-gay hate groups. She is pretty and telegenic and uses polite and unoffensive language (to many) and so she can be used as a tool to try and con people. The comment in the article about how friendly she is to gay people reminds me of white people in the 50's and 60's who where also good law abiding church going folk who would say they had no problem with the "Negro's", and could and would be perfectly nice and civil to the black people in their communities, so long as they didn't get "uppity" and demand their full and equal rights. People like Miss. CA. are like that. They're fine with Gay people, so long as they know their place and are content to ride in the back of the bus.

Very well put, and excellent comparisons made between her and the civil rights issues.

I have been constant in my posts here, that I thought she did not deserve to be called a bigot. On the facade of the beauty pageant and the sudden question given to her, plus the fact that I believed that she was set up by that bloke who asked her the question, I preferred to look at it, as an honest answer from her about HER opinion on gay marriage. Nothing more, nothing less. I did not agree with her opinion, but I preferred to accept that it was her opinion and she was forced to make a statement about it to millions of people.

But now this, she is authorising and is pleased about the fact that her statement is now being used in the media to promote voters to vote for Prop 8.

Now in my opinion she has crossed the line, and I now do accept that she is a bigot.

I hope that the many people who did feel sorry for her put in that position at the Beauty pageant, that they now realize she is going to use her notoriety to attract homophobic votes. I am bloody disgusted with her, absolutely disgusted, and can only hope that her five minutes of fame is just that, ONLY A MERE FIVE MINUTES.

I can also only hope that voters will give her the credibility that she deserves,  that is of a pretty faced bimbo who is trying to make a quick buck out of other peoples sorrow, and their rights to what they deserve.

Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect.

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #163 on: May 01, 2009, 06:59:12 am »
actually, Sue, I blame Perez and his supporters. If he had not thrown his hysterical rant and made her a sympathetic character, she would be a footnote, a joke (as was the last beauty show contestant that flubbed a question)

He handed (as I knew he was) the anti gay crowd a ready made poster girl. A beautiful young Christian woman who was true to her beliefs, attacked and vilified by the PC police.

Did you really NOT see this coming? seriously??

Perez made her with his self righteous, self indulgent the REST of the gay community have to deal with the consequences.

Offline Katie77

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #164 on: May 01, 2009, 07:45:42 am »
actually, Sue, I blame Perez and his supporters. If he had not thrown his hysterical rant and made her a sympathetic character, she would be a footnote, a joke (as was the last beauty show contestant that flubbed a question)

He handed (as I knew he was) the anti gay crowd a ready made poster girl. A beautiful young Christian woman who was true to her beliefs, attacked and vilified by the PC police.

Did you really NOT see this coming? seriously??

Perez made her with his self righteous, self indulgent the REST of the gay community have to deal with the consequences.

Oh, I do not like him at all. Not that I have seen much of him, actually, the only think I have ever read of him, is about this issue.  I dont like how he set her up, and I believe because of his egotistical moment of grandeur he has done a lot of harm to the cause of the gay community.

As for little Miss "get a quick buck, cause no one will even know who I am in six months time", well, Ive said what I think of her now.
Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect.

It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfection

Offline oilgun

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #165 on: May 01, 2009, 07:58:26 am »
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

woo boy...its always something isn't it? there aren't enough 'victim' groups already?

how about 'ruralphobe'?? for those that hate rural people...'christianphobe' for those that hate Christians...heck we could tack "Phobe" on anything and call it a new victim group..

Anyway, it's not surprising that the abuse that effeminate men have to live with would be trivialised and a source of amusement, it's just disappointing to see it on this site.

Oh, and it's not Ruralphobe it's Hickaphobe, lol!

Offline delalluvia

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #166 on: May 01, 2009, 08:14:46 am »
actually, Sue, I blame Perez and his supporters. If he had not thrown his hysterical rant and made her a sympathetic character, she would be a footnote, a joke (as was the last beauty show contestant that flubbed a question)

He handed (as I knew he was) the anti gay crowd a ready made poster girl. A beautiful young Christian woman who was true to her beliefs, attacked and vilified by the PC police.

Did you really NOT see this coming? seriously??

Perez made her with his self righteous, self indulgent the REST of the gay community have to deal with the consequences.

Perhaps, but it could also be seen as "blaming the victim".  Miss CA is not the victim here.  Perez and other gay people are.  Perez got really really mad about her answer and - being who and what he is - when asked about it - after the contest - was also "honest" in his opinion of her.

And now the person who railed against bigots who want to take away his civil rights is being vilified and the other - the pretty bigot - is made a martyr and/or hero of her bigoted cause.

Miss CA has had her 5 minutes.  She will probably have another 15 minutes of fame.  But she will fade.  And deservedly so.

Offline delalluvia

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #167 on: May 01, 2009, 08:19:02 am »
It is not surprising she would be used as a front/spokesperson for anti-gay hate groups. She is pretty and telegenic and uses polite and unoffensive language (to many) and so she can be used as a tool to try and con people. The comment in the article about how friendly she is to gay people reminds me of white people in the 50's and 60's who where also good law abiding church going folk who would say they had no problem with the "Negro's", and could and would be perfectly nice and civil to the black people in their communities, so long as they didn't get "uppity" and demand their full and equal rights. People like Miss. CA. are like that. They're fine with Gay people, so long as they know their place and are content to ride in the back of the bus.

Exactly.  I keep waiting for her to come out and say "But some of my best friends are gay!"  ::)


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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #168 on: May 01, 2009, 08:25:22 am »
Perhaps, but it could also be seen as "blaming the victim".  Miss CA is not the victim here.  Perez and other gay people are.  Perez got really really mad about her answer and - being who and what he is - when asked about it - after the contest - was also "honest" in his opinion of her.

And now the person who railed against bigots who want to take away his civil rights is being vilified and the other - the pretty bigot - is made a martyr and/or hero of her bigoted cause.

Miss CA has had her 5 minutes.  She will probably have another 15 minutes of fame.  But she will fade.  And deservedly so.

well I doubt that...cause it seems people never learn. This continual screaming that everyone everywhere is a bigot (cause we ALL have opinions) makes people roll their eyes. It is creating a backlash. If EVERYTHING is 'bigoted' then nothing is...

we all need to re read "The Little Boy that Cried Wolf". there are some real truths in some of those little fables we heard as a child.

and I refuse to accept poor lil Perez as a victim HE chose the question...if he was so incredibly sensitive about it then he shouldn't have asked. He can not be so naive as to think there was not a possibility that someone might gently disagree with him.

this is Perez Hilton, people.. if you dont' know him, then google him. He is not a fragile flower, he makes a living skewering people.

having an opinion that gay marriage is not a good thing does NOT make you a bigot. It just means you have a different view of things. If she advocated castration or segregation...THEN I would agree with you.

Perez gave our enemies a fresh new weapon. Call it 'blaming the victim" I call it "calling an idiot an idiot."

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #169 on: May 01, 2009, 09:04:05 am »
and I refuse to accept poor lil Perez as a victim HE chose the question...if he was so incredibly sensitive about it then he shouldn't have asked. He can not be so naive as to think there was not a possibility that someone might gently disagree with him.

Just to state for the record, I hate Perez Hilton, he's nothing but a talentless gossip monger.

However, according to pagent procedure, twelve questions are submitted prior to the pageant, and six are then chosen to be randomly drawn from a hat and asked to the top 5 contestants.

Hilton did not make up that question, it was submitted beforehand, and picked randomly.

The information was found on the Fox news site.,2933,517281,00.html

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!