Author Topic: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown  (Read 171715 times)

Offline brokeplex

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #340 on: May 07, 2009, 11:35:55 pm »
why does Ms Prejean have to pay for the people that insulted him?

because darling Injest, Ms Prejean is a perfect and convenient target for the PC left to attack, and conceivably fundraise around.

she is :

1) an attractive woman, therefore she is not disabled by homeliness - how dare she!

2) a white woman, therefore not enabled by a minority status - You chose your parents unwisely didn't ya Prejean?

3) bold about expressing a "conservative" POV, therefore she can be attacked by the left for an opinion that is identical to THE ONE, who can not be attacked by the left.

4) a hetero therefore she can not have an opinion about same sex marriage anyway.

if nothing else, this whole increasingly tiresome episode does ONCE again illustrate the duplicity and double standards of the left and the media in the US. so for some it is a "teachable moment" - to use a Hillary phrase.  ;)

Offline Clyde-B

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #341 on: May 07, 2009, 11:38:58 pm »

so that makes it right? does this poster feel relief? does Ms Prejean being insulted somehow erase the memory of the insults HE faced? why does Ms Prejean have to pay for the people that insulted him?

She doesn't.  But any gay man who is out has suffered insults many times worse than what has happened to her.  Being called a bitch by a gossip columnist is tame in comparison.  Please forgive us if we're not impressed.

It's interersting that the gays are always wrong, and everybody else is always right.


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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #342 on: May 07, 2009, 11:42:15 pm »
She doesn't.  But any gay man who is out has suffered insults many times worse than what has happened to her.  Being called a bitch by a gossip columnist is tame in comparison.  Please forgive us if we're not impressed.

It's interersting that the gays are always wrong, and everybody else is always right.

who said that? Does the fact that Mr. "Perez" is wrong in THIS instance, somehow mean all gay people everywhere are wrong? Does he stand in for all gay people? are gay people NEVER wrong?

Offline Clyde-B

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #343 on: May 07, 2009, 11:49:58 pm »
who said that? Does the fact that Mr. "Perez" is wrong in THIS instance, somehow mean all gay people everywhere are wrong? Does he stand in for all gay people? are gay people NEVER wrong?

This woman is working to keep your son from being able to get married and you are defending her about a silly name calling as though she'd been attacked and mugged.

I don't understand.


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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #344 on: May 08, 2009, 12:00:33 am »

This woman is working to keep your son from being able to get married and you are defending her about a silly name calling as though she'd been attacked and mugged.

I don't understand.

I know she had no power....there was nothing she could do. I dont' care if someone doesn't LIKE my son. I just dont' want them to have the POWER to hurt him. I have to be fair. I dont' think she did anything wrong, I would rather KNOW the truth about what people think rather than have them lie...

Perez gave her the power, he made her name a household thing...he gave her a platform to leap off of. Now she is the darling of the anti gay marriage...and people are rallying to her. She needs to be allowed to fade off the public stage, instead the gay community is ginning up SUPPORT for her...everything that is brought out to 'harm' her is going to backfire.

Offline Clyde-B

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #345 on: May 08, 2009, 12:11:47 am »
I know she had no power....there was nothing she could do. I dont' care if someone doesn't LIKE my son. I just dont' want them to have the POWER to hurt him. I have to be fair. I dont' think she did anything wrong, I would rather KNOW the truth about what people think rather than have them lie...

Perez gave her the power, he made her name a household thing...he gave her a platform to leap off of. Now she is the darling of the anti gay marriage...and people are rallying to her. She needs to be allowed to fade off the public stage, instead the gay community is ginning up SUPPORT for her...everything that is brought out to 'harm' her is going to backfire.

Perez gave her no power.  The people that make the ads gave her the power.  And as far as I know they would  also have given her that power if she had been Miss USA.

She chose to act as spokesperson and tell people nationally not to let gay people get married.  That is her choice.  No one held a gun to her head and made her do it.  She was given the opportunity and she took it, quite possibly because of the public exposure it gives her.

No one made Hilton insult her, he chose to do that himself, and no one made her choices for her except herself.

Offline Clyde-B

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #346 on: May 08, 2009, 12:19:15 am »
Right, you don't understand, and seem to be resisting the explanations.

"But any gay man who is out has suffered insults many times worse than what has happened to her." This is exemplory of one's inabilty to understand because the desire to maintain and nurture a pathetic victim status, often exaggerrated to draw unwarranted sympathy, clouds a persons' ability to see beyond their own little 'whoo is me' insular dwelling place.

the phrase is "get over yourself" that I would apply to folks who cannot get past their own need for self inflicted wounds from past experiences and pass off real time issues because they want the center stage of pity.

No one knows the pain she has suffered and no one knows how anyone else has suffered. All we know is that people are not very nice to others, and those who determine that their past traumas are sufficient to annul someone else's unpleasant situation is is good shape to join the brown shirts, imo.

I doubt seriously you would expect an Iraqi vet who has shrapnel wounds to be impressed by someone with a hangnail.

Aren't you the one with the mirror collection?



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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #347 on: May 08, 2009, 12:29:21 am »
Perez gave her no power.  The people that make the ads gave her the power.  And as far as I know they would  also have given her that power if she had been Miss USA.

She chose to act as spokesperson and tell people nationally not to let gay people get married.  That is her choice.  No one held a gun to her head and made her do it.  She was given the opportunity and she took it, quite possibly because of the public exposure it gives her.

No one made Hilton insult her, he chose to do that himself, and no one made her choices for her except herself.

for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. IDEALLY, people would make their decisions entirely logically and free from outside influense...unfortunately few people are able to do that.

Perez slapped her...she responded by slapping back. Unfortunately HE isn't the only one that will suffer.

Offline Clyde-B

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #348 on: May 08, 2009, 12:34:37 am »
for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. IDEALLY, people would make their decisions entirely logically and free from outside influense...unfortunately few people are able to do that.

Perez slapped her...she responded by slapping back. Unfortunately HE isn't the only one that will suffer.

So Perez slapped her, she had no choice but to slap back?  Is that the Biblically correct thing to do?

Sorry, we all make our own choices, unless you believe those criminal defenses where the criminal "had to" commit the crime.

Offline louisev

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #349 on: May 08, 2009, 12:39:36 am »
So Perez slapped her, she had no choice but to slap back?  Is that the Biblically correct thing to do?

Sorry, we all make our own choices, unless you believe those criminal defenses where the criminal "had to" commit the crime.
I thought that was "turn the other cheek" - in Carrie's case maybe it's her ass cheek.
“Mr. Coyote always gets me good, boy,”  Ellery said, winking.  “Almost forgot what life was like before I got me my own personal coyote.”