Author Topic: TOTW 05/09: Things that made you go "hunh?"  (Read 44967 times)

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Re: TOTW 05/09: Things that made you go "hunh?"
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2009, 02:16:21 pm »
My hunting/fishing buddies and I discovered a new blooper when we were traveling in Wyoming over Independence Day. Riverton does not have a fireworks celebration on the Fourth, and hasn't had one for over 20 years. That's because fireworks are put on by Lander, 20-odd miles to the southeast where the county seat is and where there is a rodeo beforehand. Riverton hosts the 1839 Rendezvous of the mountain men over that weekend instead. It's a gathering where people stage a recreation of a historic camp, along with demonstrations of shooting, butter churning, and that type of thing.

I suppose the celebration that Ennis and Alma went to could have been in Lander, but it doesn't seem likely.
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Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: TOTW 05/09: Things that made you go "hunh?"
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2009, 02:31:53 pm »
It was only on my third viewing that I actually understood what Bobby said at the Thanksgiving table, although I had gotten the gist of it from context. 

Oh, I forget how many times I had to watch the movie before I caught what Bobby says!  :laugh:

(Bobby doesn't sound like he's from Scranton, Pennsylvania. People from Scranton talk clearer than that.  :laugh: )
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Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: TOTW 05/09: Things that made you go "hunh?"
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2009, 02:35:11 pm »
How would Aguirre know or have that terminology?  In the manual-labor world, guys can jabber on all day while working (such as Timmy the Asphalt Guy) and every conceivable subject comes up...   Ennis later says "I hear what they have in Mexico for boys like you".  Same deal.

Heh. Maybe Aguirre had stemmed it a couple of times himself when he was younger. Maybe he's so pissed off because he feels guilty.  ;)
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Offline Brown Eyes

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Re: TOTW 05/09: Things that made you go "hunh?"
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2009, 02:35:30 pm »
My hunting/fishing buddies and I discovered a new blooper when we were traveling in Wyoming over Independence Day. Riverton does not have a fireworks celebration on the Fourth, and hasn't had one for over 20 years. That's because fireworks are put on by Lander, 20-odd miles to the southeast where the county seat is and where there is a rodeo beforehand. Riverton hosts the 1839 Rendezvous of the mountain men over that weekend instead. It's a gathering where people stage a recreation of a historic camp, along with demonstrations of shooting, butter churning, and that type of thing.

I suppose the celebration that Ennis and Alma went to could have been in Lander, but it doesn't seem likely.

Do we know if Riverton had fireworks in the mid 1960s?  The fireworks that Alma and Ennis attended were probably held around 1965 or 66 judging from the age of the girls and the fact that it was prior to the 67 reunion.

20 years ago from today would only take us back to 1989.

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Offline serious crayons

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Re: TOTW 05/09: Things that made you go "hunh?"
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2009, 03:08:06 pm »
Heh. Maybe Aguirre had stemmed it a couple of times himself when he was younger. Maybe he's so pissed off because he feels guilty.  ;)

Or envious, some folks theorize.

Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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Re: TOTW 05/09: Things that made you go "hunh?"
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2009, 03:12:48 pm »
My hunting/fishing buddies and I discovered a new blooper when we were traveling in Wyoming over Independence Day. Riverton does not have a fireworks celebration on the Fourth, and hasn't had one for over 20 years. That's because fireworks are put on by Lander, 20-odd miles to the southeast where the county seat is and where there is a rodeo beforehand. Riverton hosts the 1839 Rendezvous of the mountain men over that weekend instead. It's a gathering where people stage a recreation of a historic camp, along with demonstrations of shooting, butter churning, and that type of thing.

I suppose the celebration that Ennis and Alma went to could have been in Lander, but it doesn't seem likely.

Yeah, but that was like in 1966 or 67 wasn't it?
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Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: TOTW 05/09: Things that made you go "hunh?"
« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2009, 03:20:02 pm »
Or envious, some folks theorize.

Can't says as I'd blame him there. I'm envious of Ennis. ...  ;D
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Offline Mikaela

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Re: TOTW 05/09: Things that made you go "hunh?"
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2009, 04:05:07 pm »
The banner to this thread is fantastic! All those "huh?" expressions! Love it.  :)

What has made me go "huh?" is Jack's laundry activities on the day following FNIT. He washes clothes in the nude. Then he rides up to Ennis. But either he had two sets of jeans and there was no need for the nude scene (well, no need as far as the narrative goes - much need when it came to movie audiences. :P ) Or he had only one set of jeans, in which case they should still have been soaking wet by the time Jack rode mountainwards - the day looks pretty cold, no way they'd have dried that fast.


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Re: TOTW 05/09: Things that made you go "hunh?"
« Reply #28 on: July 27, 2009, 04:06:21 pm »
Maybe Jack was just washing his undies.

Offline Mikaela

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Re: TOTW 05/09: Things that made you go "hunh?"
« Reply #29 on: July 27, 2009, 04:08:16 pm »
He would have to go commando for the rest of that day, then - so no need to do the undie laundry in the buff....