Why? Are the pages getting difficult to load up? I almost miss the limited 'chapters' structure of Jack with Ennis on IMDb. I suppose we could start a 'read only' thread.
Ellemeno, Ineedcrayons, TrueOracle what do you mods suggest?
Actually, I am the mod here for Fanfiction.
Personally, I like the stories and the comments mixed in together...it keeps the thread lively, IMO. But I can also see how it might be distracting to a reader. Two things that have been done that you might want to consider:
1) Start a thread just for the stories and start a different thread for the "critics corner." If you look over on Chez Tremblay, that is what they did with the "Performance Thread." We did a similar thing here on Fanfic with the former "Ennis and Ellery" thread and the gallery where we archived all the pictures. "E&E" is no more (it has morphed into the Taking Chances thread over on the creative writers corner) but when the thread was very lively, it was fun to have all the pictures in one place so we could look at them.
2) For the Drabblefest, one of our regular readers/authors volunteered to start a drabblefest community on LiveJournal. She has been archiving all the drabbles there (with the prompts) so people can easily search through all the stories. This undertaking is a fair amount of work ...just so you know in advance.
Or you could just leave it as it is.
Hope these suggestions help. Let me know if you need more info or ideas. Feel free to PM me at any time.
Moderator, Fanfiction and the Creative Writer's Corner