((The next day, JACK takes LOW STARTLE POINT HORSE out on the range to scout a new location to pasture the woolies. He's playin his HARMONICA while he rides. She starts getting slightly jumpy as soon as they get out of Ennis's sight, tossing her head and being unruly.))
That was some performance you gave las' night, prancin around the campfire like a fool, all for Ennis Del Mar's entertainment. You think you can jump around and make some noise and that'll get you some attention? LOL. I'll show ya how it's done. I invented that game.
((Saying the following lines, LSP HORSE gives a big twisting jump after each "Fuckin." Meanwhile, JACK yells something indecipherable and struggles to stay on))
Jack Fuckin Twist. And Jack's Fuckin' Pants, gettin to be all over ya all the time. Well, what about Jack's Fuckin Horse, hunh? And what the hell are you doin, slidin around in the saddle like that? You got some kinda butter all over your ass? Listen buddy, if you wanna let some scrawny-assed cowboy ride you instead a me, you can hit the highway! And take your harmonica with ya!
((With that, LSP HORSE bucks JACK clear off her back, landing him in the bushes nearby.))
That'll teach ya who's got the reins!