Author Topic: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%  (Read 1877653 times)

Offline cmr107

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((looks down at his pants which have been with him ever since he drove to Signal))

**Don't look at me. I'm as confused as you are.**


%% Why don't my pants ever talk to me?

Offline Meryl

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  • There's no reins on this one....
((The High Priestess, many pounds (and dollars) lighter, returns from the spa a new woman, thankful that she has an independent story line that doesn't (so far) require flashbacks or dream sequences.  The chi is flowing like crazy, the FSD having outdone herself placing twinkly balls, bracelets, bells, animals, vegetables, and minerals all over the film set.  At the stroke of nine, there is a knock at the door.))

**Come in, Hoss, my love!**

((The unsuspecting Hoss walks in to meet his destiny.....))

Ich bin ein Brokie...

Offline Daniel

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  • I lost myself to him.

((Scowls to hide his smile.))

Well what do you wanna do about it then, hunh?


((notices Ennis's smile beneath the scowl and smiles to himself))

((looks over at Ennis and raises an eyebrow))

Well I wouldn't mind a piece of hot, juicy meat in my mouth.... You think we can go out and hunt something?
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Ellemeno

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((The unsuspecting Hoss walks in to meet his destiny.....))

Offline cmr107

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((Chokes on whiskey, clearly flustered.))

Meat? What?

%% Meat? What did he mean by that? %%

Oh, hunting. Uh, sure. Tomorrow.

Offline Daniel

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  • I lost myself to him.

((grabs some hardened bread and heads back over to the LOW STARTLE POINT HORSE, chewing. He mounts the horse, turns it toward the sheep, and heads out.))

((He looks back at Ennis and finishes chewing. Looks at him intently and with a warm longing.))

Well, then. Guess I'll see you tomorrow. First thing. I reckon we'll get the best huntin' done then. Can I ask a favor?

((At Ennis's quiet nod.))

Um, ... I never really learnt how t'shoot. I mean I kept meanin' to, but just never had the opportunity. You know how right? Would you.... give me a pointer, I mean some pointers, on shootin'. It'll make huntin easier if we have to do it again.

((The dogs bark at an unknown danger))

See ya tomorrow, Ennis

((Jack rides up to the sheep.))
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline isabelle

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  • And French-kissing, too!
%% Yes, what is the Minister doing up there hiding in the bushes? %%

"Jolly" Minister:

 %% Damn, I drank so much wine at Mass again, I forgot to take my sunglasses off %%

** Well, dear director, the eye of God is everywhere, and I am the eye of god, and His wrath shall unleash unto the unfaithful! I have to keep young men on the right path... And not only because I am jealous, not being allowed to admit to sinful homo-erotic thoughts myself, as a Minister, but because I need to keep my job (and you know what the job market is like nowadays!) My job consists in being repressive in many ways. Mostly in sexual matters. So excuse me while I just do my job...**

%% Damn, the shit I have to come up with to make a living! And who thought of calling a minister "jolly" in the first place? Very funny, haha. %%
« Last Edit: June 25, 2006, 12:05:36 pm by isabelle »
" - I'm vegan now."
"-Vegan? I thought you were still Church of England"

Offline Ellemeno

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((Blows softly and begins to hum a lullaby))

** Schlaf Kindchen schlaf
Der Vater hüt't die Schaf
Die Mutter schüttelt's Bäumelein
Da fällt herab ein Träumelein
Schlaf Kindchen schlaf

Schlaf Kindchen schlaf
Am Himmel zieh'n die Schaf
Die Sternlein sind die Lämmerlein
Der Mond, das ist das Schäferlein
Schlaf Kindchen schlaf

Schlaf Kindchen schlaf
So schenk ich dir ein Schaf
Mit einer gold'nen Schelle fein
Das soll dein Spielgeselle sein
Schlaf Kindchen schlaf  **

(Sleep, baby, sleep
Your father tends the sheep
Your mother shakes the dreamland tree
And from it fall sweet dreams for thee
Sleep, baby, sleep

Our cottage vale is deep
The little lamb is on the green
With snowy fleece so soft and clean
Sleep, baby, sleep

Down where the woodbines creep
Be always like the lamb so mild
A kind, and sweet, and gentle child
Sleep, baby, sleep)
« Last Edit: June 25, 2006, 03:40:17 am by BIRTHDAY-FARKEEN-MENO »

Offline Pipedream

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>:( Alright people....I hear from a reliable source that we are about ten years behind there could be three reasons for this...

#1 - Our seemingly talented yet hot headed director is slacking majorly! 

#2 - Our actors are the typical, lazy, useless pond scum that I suspect Ray guess is you're all in the chat room discussing only Mel Gibson knows what!

OR #3 - I was wrong about the number of reasons...

Either way....if you do not get back on schedule ASAP (and I don't mean maybe), I will not only hire a stronger and more ambitious director but will also dock all of your pay....and do not call my bluff! 

I'm already in negotiations with Spielberg as we speak!

Any questions? >:(

((The Props Magician wakes up red-eyed after a night of heavy partying, disolves an aspirin in a glass of water and begins to wonder what the f*ck is goin on at her set))

%% Producer what? New director? Hunh? %%

** Hey Mr. Raymille, didn't that pissant used to ride bulls? **   ;D

** By the way people, I've just come on our bear, and I know now why he wasn't here for his crucial scene. He overslept! Can you believe it? Who has cast that lazy bastard in the first place?? **

%%Oh well, maybe it was the casting that finished him off. That Mr. Raymille begins to scare me...%%  :P

« Last Edit: June 25, 2006, 05:07:33 am by Pipedream »

Offline Pipedream

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((Blows softly and begins to hum a lullaby))

** Schlaf Kindchen schlaf
Der Vater hüt't die Schaf
Die Mutter schüttelt's Bäumelein
Da fällt herab ein Träumelein
Schlaf Kindchen schlaf

Schlaf Kindchen schlaf
Am Himmel zieh'n die Schaf
Die Sternlein sind die Lämmerlein
Der Mond, das ist das Schäferlein
Schlaf Kindchen schlaf

Schlaf Kindchen schlaf
So schenk ich dir ein Schaf
Mit einer gold'nen Schelle fein
Das soll dein Spielgeselle sein
Schlaf Kindchen schlaf  **

(Sleep, baby, sleep
Your father tends the sheep
Your mother shakes the dreamland tree
And from it fall sweet dreams for thee
Sleep, baby, sleep

Our cottage vale is deep
The little lamb is on the green
With snowy fleece so soft and clean
Sleep, baby, sleep

Down where the woodbines creep
Be always like the lamb so mild
A kind, and sweet, and gentle child
Sleep, baby, sleep)

** How lovely! The wind has sung us a song again! **  :D

((Thrilled to hear something in her mothertongue, the Props Magician props up an old piano and provides the appropriate music!))

(audio attachment)
« Last Edit: June 25, 2006, 08:11:45 am by Pipedream »