They would look at most of the women here and say that y'all are neither "sound" nor "healthy," but rather on a course for certain, ultimate death. Which is also highly subjective, and not theirs to determine for you.
Good point.
Also, I have to wonder how many Western women are raised in THAT extreme of an environment these days. Fifty years ago, sure. Nowadays, for an American woman to have grown up with no exposure to other, more secular, viewpoints would mean really unusual isolation -- not just homeschooling but no TV, no computer, etc. Even if their parents hold those views, most women would be familiar with the idea that other people hold other views and as adults they can make their own choices. Many children of religiously conservative parents DO, in fact, go on to make different choices. Even the children of immigrants whose parents hold strict traditionalist views and expect their children to follow them go in different directions once they're old enough to do so.
Among fundamentalist Christians, this sort of cultural isolation would be extremely unusual (outside of, say, the Amish community). Most of the people in those huge evangelistic churches, for example, are reasonably sophisticated about the culture around them. Look at Michele Bachmann, for example.
I once read an interview (in "Bitch" or "Bust" -- can't remember which) with women in domestic discipline marriages. They were quite aware of the other options, but felt like this was right for them. But again, there was something in the interviews that suggested they found it appealing.