This novel still continues to
amaze me. I identify with so many things in this novel, and I also keep learning so many things too. I actually have a highlighter, and I highlight sentences that are important learning moments for me. This novel gives many different views of two men in a relationship living together, and how they deal with the problems that come up for them. I have had a relationship very similar to this, so this may be why it's hitting hard for me. What happens in Chapter 37, I acted like Ennis is acting in this chapter, and I basically threw a good thing away. While I was reading this, I understood what both characters were going through perfectly. I'm amazed at the love and patience Jack shows for Ennis. How he let's him take the shower, but is nearby when he knows Ennis is going to call for help, even after being yelled at and talked down to by Ennis, only for tryin' to help him. What stamina and patience. I guess this is what you do for true love. Hey, I'm learnin' here...