I started re-reading HI the other day after so many Madlori discussions over here recently. It's a lot of fun to revisit it from the beginning.
I'm realizing that it's been long enough since I read HI initially, that I've forgotten a lot of the details... so it's a nice experience to re-read. Anyway, I'm recalling now, that it took a while and it's taking a while again for me to accept Lizzie in the beginning phases of the set up for this story.
Of course, I'm very fond of her in general after so much familiarity with her from the entirety of HI and TCJ. But, the initial set up for her project seemed/ seems nosy even if her motives are noble and J & E accept her project pretty quickly. It's interesting that Lizzie herself, in the very early chapters of HI seems to recognize the slight anxiety that accompanies the sense that she's observing a private dynamic. In another sense, I think her character is an interesting feature in this set of stories because in a way, she's like a stand-in for the reader... the observer of J and E.
But, retropian, I really agree that the dynamics between J & E are really fantastic and touching throughout this whole story and TCJ too.