Author Topic: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%  (Read 2048657 times)

Offline Ellemeno

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Things are quiet roun here, maybe Ennis is practicing his kick for the 4th of July.....

Offline Daniel

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  • I lost myself to him.

((smiles and raises his eyebrows in hope after Ennis shares so much with him.))

If you could do anything in the world that you wanted to, Ennis, what d'ya think it'd be?
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Pipedream

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** Shhh, Owl!  Please?!  We have enough drama about bodily fluids and money shots around this set without folks raising paternity questions and asking why Baby Owl is so very fluffy.  Remember, I didn't want no kids, none a either kind, but you didn't want me to go shopping in the condom-ents aisle.  **

** Shhh, Terry!! No need to be so indiscreet! Hunh?
Lil' Ollie Owl still thinks old Oscar is his father...! ** ::)

Offline DeeDee

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((smiles and raises his eyebrows in hope after Ennis shares so much with him.))

If you could do anything in the world that you wanted to, Ennis, what d'ya think it'd be?

Young Ennis:

%%Well, right now, I would like to throw ya to tha ground, kiss ya from head to toe, rip ya clothes off a that fittin' body, have ma way with ya, and do it all over again.%%

I don't have much edication, but I sure would, one day have ma own ranch.  Mebbe
train some fillies, raise cattle.. Ma dad was a fine roper, but he had no ambition.  I want to make sumptin of ma self.  Ya know?

%%Whew, he's got me talkin' like there's no tomorrow...what is it about em?%%
« Last Edit: July 01, 2006, 07:15:07 pm by DeeDee »
In America sex is an obsession.  In other parts of the world it is a fact.

Marlene Dietrich

Offline Daniel

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  • I lost myself to him.

((nods sullenly, smiling at Ennis, his eyes deeply penetrating as he listens to Ennis's dream with his entire being))

I know whatya mean. There's nothin' like havin' your own land beneath your feet. And your own cattle to raise on it. And your own horse to git ya 'round. I'd like to start my own place too.  A little cow 'n' calf operation. I'd show my old man I could do it. He don't care much for me, but I guess I already mentioned that afore. I wish I could do somethin' to please him.

((Looks away for a moment, tears already glistening in his eyes. He blinks a few times, then looks back to Ennis, trying to sound happy again))

Ya said yer pa was a roper? He do much rodeoin'? Maybe he taught ya a thing or two? Wouldn't mind gettin' some rodeoin' pointers if ya had any.
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Ray

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  • Ray Nasty!
= Hello my beloved Cast & Crew.  As some of you may be aware, I have been away attending to some medical needs.  What you may NOT know, is that I experienced some anxiety leading up to my portrayal of Lureen, and felt, both as a commitment to this production and you loyal production  members , and as a little self rewarding pick me up, it was time get that boob job I have wanted for so long.  I have had those old leather straps replaced with a perky twenty something looking rack.  I was telling my new butcher a few weeks ago how kind he was to be flirting with me as he bagged a kilo of honey garlic BBQ snags for the woman next to me, but that I was fully aware that my boobs poking from the bottom of my T-shirt must have made me less attractive.  He produced a catalogue of breast implants that he kept under the counter for just such occasions, and the next thing I was being administered an anesthetic in a hospital theatre, and undergoing a youth reclamation procedure.

The first operation was a flop as the implants rejected, but I just whipped back in after choosing an alternate model and viola!  I was amazed how inexpensive the implants were by themselves.  It’s the hospital costs that hurt! I’m still wrapped in bandages, so I can only imagine how stunning I look under them, but I’m sure that I will be completely healed by the time we progress to Lureen’s entrance, an entrance I have been preparing for all my adult life.

I hope this explains my recent absence, and I hope that you all feel more at ease to know that it was to benefit our beloved Broken Arsed Mountain. =

~A good general knows when to retreat~

Offline Sashca1007

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Ya said yer pa was a roper? He do much rodeoin'? Maybe he taught ya a thing or two? Wouldn't mind gettin' some rodeoin' pointers if ya had any.


%% Especially if those 'pointers' are anything like the 'shooting an elk (banana)' pointers he was givin' Jack earlier....  Whoo-EEE!  Those Levi's of Ennis's was smack up against my backside....  and somethin' was pointin' right at me, that's fer dang sure.  Mm-m-m....rodeoin' pointers..  YEAH!  If he gets good enough at rodeoin', one of these days YOUNG JACK just might wrap some fancy chaps around ME.  It's what most a us pants can only dream about.  Course, they say they're for 'protection', but us pants know chaps is fer framin' and highlightin' our purtiest parts. %%   :o

"From the vibration of the floorboard on which they both stood Ennis could feel how hard Jack was shaking."

Offline DeeDee

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Young Ennis:

(( Now Ennis is moving around finding it hard to sit still.))

Ma pa couldn't stand rodeo cowboys, thought they was all f*ck ups.  Said most of em had a drinkin' habit.  Course wha did my pa know?
((Looks down and cannot believe he said that))

%% I hope I didn' say much to upset em.  Sometimes I need a size 12 in ma mouth.
Mebbe if I give him a little sexy smirk, he'll know I'm jes' jokin'.%%
In America sex is an obsession.  In other parts of the world it is a fact.

Marlene Dietrich

Offline YaadPyar

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** Recent photos of Director Raymille leaked to the press following his plastic surgery in preparation for his role as Lureen.  Please DO NOT re-post these photos anywhere, as they are unofficial and have not been approved by the Director himself for public release. **

There was a slight problem when the implants were inserted in the wrong part of his anatomy the first time.

Subsequent surgeries were much more successful.  Looking good post-operatively!  (All he needs is the facial feminization surgery, and he's a ringer for Lureen.)

Ready to play Lureen in lovely red.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2006, 08:44:35 pm by YaadPyar »
"Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much life. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you're bound to live life fully." (Harold & Maude - 1971)

Offline Daniel

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  • I lost myself to him.
Young Ennis:

(( Now Ennis is moving around finding it hard to sit still.))

Ma pa couldn't stand rodeo cowboys, thought they was all f*ck ups.  Said most of em had a drinkin' habit.  Course wha did my pa know?
((Looks down and cannot believe he said that))

%% I hope I didn' say much to upset em.  Sometimes I need a size 12 in ma mouth.
Mebbe if I give him a little sexy smirk, he'll know I'm jes' jokin'.%%


%% F*ckups.... hmm.. ohh, not in that way. %%

((suddenly goes defensive))

The hell they are, Ennis! ((takes a swig from WHISKEY BOTTLE)) You know as well as I what kinda sportsmanship it takes: firm thigh muscles, buttocks, quick control, the ability to release at just the right moment.

%% You want me to demonstrate? %%
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.