From a writers POV I liked all the characters in that they were all there for a purpose to the story and nothing was wasted, not a cardboard cutout among them. I dont got nothing against the Preacher, think you all just dont like him cause hes performing the marriage ceremony that is the keystone of the wall that will separate Jack and Ennis for good. Hes a nice enough fella, give him a break, hes injecting a little levity into a solemn moment and yeah, has a corny sense of humor, hes not gonna be cracking jokes like, "a nked blonde walks into a bar with a [blank] under her arm.."
Or Cassie. Most straight guys would think Christmas came early if that gal came along and asked them for a footrub. A buddy of mine said he knew Ennis was gay for sure because of how he reacted to Sassy Cassie. She was just barking up the wtong tree, and she really did love the guy.
Dont understand the hating towards Aguirre either. He hired those boys to do a job and they blew it off to blow each other. So he dont hire them back, I wouldnt either in his shoes, watching thme frolic in the campground while the coyotes are up in the pasture snacking on my sheep. And note, he does not wade in there and bust it up (too late in the season to hire anyone) or call them queers, or is there any evidence he ratted them out in town. He just declines to hire them back, and not even in an especially homophobic manner. No, hes no picture of enlightenment, likely despises queers, but he dont go out of his way to make their lives difficult.
I dont even hate the fathers of the boys, as much damage as they did, they were hard, embittered men, defeated by grinding poverty that (in John Twists case) slopped over on his son, to where you know Jack didnt let anything pass his lips that his Daddy didnt put down or dismiss outright. You have to feel sorry for them, really, they were stuck with few options, maybe not likeable, but not evil.
My choice is them 2 bikers. Guys like that (and they were not stereotypes unfortunately) need there asses kicked as much as possible, intimidating women and kids, just because your a redneck is no excuse to be trash.
Though the character I would least like to be seated next to at a family reunion/long flight is LaShawn Malone. Bless her heart, Im sure shes a fine woman (her real-life equivalents) but Randalls expression even before he starts making eyes at Jack says it all. Think Id be eyeballing that guy Ennis is partnered with on the roadcrew from sheer desperation if I had to sit across the dinner table from her evry night. You know Randall is big ol drunk and if BBM took place in 1998 in stead of 1978, Randall would be online every spare minute on making new freiends.