Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2782748 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Too Early In The Summer

< Beans.  Beans beans beans. I´m sick of ´em.>

< Hmm...>

< Taste ain´t that bad, but ...mbmummbfrt....>

< Huh? Mumbling used to be my part. What´d ya say?>

< Said ´they make me fart.´>

< Um...well...> Ennis grins.

< I´ll run them sheep off if I go on like that. Maybe that´s why I ain´t shot me no coyote yet, ´cause they don´t come close enough with all that...gas around. Expect that goddamn puptent to take off like a  balloon some night!>

Ennis laughes out loud, jerking his head back, eyes sparkling.

´This boy is f*uckin´too cute when he laughs...´

< Your guts don´t react like this, or what? >

< Hm, no, think they are used to beans. >

The cowboys go on eating in silence.

Ennis, sniffing : <Uh! What´s that? Was that you? >

< NO, MAN! Bud, I´d never fart as long as you´re around! Don´t want to run you off, friend! It wasn´t me! >

< Naw, me neither, told you I don´t fart, beans or no beans, it must´ve been you!>

Jack laughs, jumps up and over to Ennis, grabs his shirt, and tuzzling and laughing they fall on the ground -

curtains fall discretely...

Dagi, this is so fun and playful.  Thanks for showing us the level of comfort the boys had.  I can image a lot of bodily functions that the 2 observed of the other, and how natural it felt.  I really enjoyed reading this.  Beautiful!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: The Sale
« Reply #131 on: June 14, 2007, 11:54:12 pm »
Outrageous Sargent Littlewing1957! This tale is so "X Files" I can almost see it on the show.

 :laugh:  Thanks Toycoon, Baby!  I may continue this, I don't know yet!

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Why thanks, Merr!  :D

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Re: A Surprise Gift
« Reply #133 on: June 15, 2007, 01:25:24 am »
Thanks, littlewing1957! "A Surprise Gift" is the second part to "Carving a Horse". "Unexpected Feelings" is part three and your story is part four.

Oh, Got ya!  Thanks, Toycoon!

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Sleepin (2)
« Reply #134 on: June 15, 2007, 01:38:51 am »
“I hope you can finish what you’re startin!”  It was Jack, trying to turn his arthritis ridden bones toward his love.  “You still think you can satisfy me, old man?”  Jack was only teasing as he placed a tender kiss on Ennis’ still luscious mouth.

“Just turn over, Rodeo, that is… if ya can!”  Ennis laughed as he returned Jack’s kiss.  He gently moved behind Jack’s still firm buttocks, but something was wrong!  Jack pushed up against him, but Ennis couldn’t do it.  He hung his head and silently cursed his aged body.  Jack noticed his lover’s change in mood and turned to face him straight on.

“It’s alright, it’s alright!”  Jack soothed as he cradled Ennis head in his leathery, age spotted hands.  “Here, just lay on my chest, just like the old days."  Jack soothed and rocked as Ennis settled in.  "Listen, you don’t have to do anything, Cowboy.  Just be with me!”  Jack whispered.  Ennis cuddled into his lover’s arms and wiped at the tears falling in a puddle on Jack’s chest.  Jack rocked them both to a satisfied slumber.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2007, 01:44:26 am by littlewing1957 »


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Re: Bathin' with Ennis
« Reply #135 on: June 15, 2007, 03:07:36 am »
After setting his boots side by side at the tangled roots, his pants on a low branch and his shirt above, Ennis hung his cowboy hat on the top the bramble bush, crowning the effigy of himself then a gentle breeze gave it life; he gingerly waded into the glassy lake and upon reaching waist height, stopped, turned and motioned for Jack to join him.

Jack, already naked, scampered to the edge then dove in, emerging from the water just behind Ennis a few seconds later; Jack's eyes languished over every element of Ennis' strong back, his elegant neck, sinewy muscles, the tiny birth marks, his lean waist, finally arriving at a patch of curly hair growing at the base of Ennis' spine, between the shallow dimples and above his crack.

Strangely, a song came to front of Jack's mind. I know shall meet you on that final day, Jack reached for Ennis' slim hips, Water walking Jesus, take me away and he softly kissed the curly patch of hair on Ennis' buttocks.

Oh Toycoon, you write so beautifully! I can figure Jack´s eyes when he is overwhelmed by the beauty of his man.



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Re: The Sale
« Reply #136 on: June 15, 2007, 03:13:44 am »
Tammy Wroe wiped her brow, unable to believe the progress she was making in getting the cabin ready for sale.  Her grandpa, Don Wroe, left the cabin to her when he died in 1994.  Tammy didn’t know what to think or what to do when she learned that the cabin was hers.  Tammy loved her grandfather, but she never spent much time with him.  Her mom worked in the movie business, and moved Tammy to California when she was only 3 years old.   

Tammy’s life in L.A. was good, but when she found herself short on cash, she decided to visit Wyoming for the second time in her life.  Selling the good sized cabin may ease the financial burden of raising 2 children all alone.  The year 2025 was proving to be very hard for Tammy, and she needed the money.  Tammy’s once lucrative fortune telling business was beginning to suffer, even though her psychic gifts were genuine, and she helped a lot of people.  But times were hard and people could no longer afford to spend good money on fortune tellers.  Yes, selling Don Wroe's cabin was the only way.  Cleaning the cabin was backbreaking work, but it had to be done.  It took her 2 days to prepare the living room and kitchen.  Nothing left to do but clean the bathroom and the 3 bedrooms.  But as Tammy stepped into the master bedroom for the first time, she felt it!

Tammy braced herself against the sensation.  As she touched the quilt on the well preserved bed, Tammy thought she would fall in a swoon.  The energy was overpowering!  A male energy: passionate, forceful, very loving.  And suddenly from the corner of her eye, she saw it.  Tammy fell to the dusty carpet as she saw 2 shadowy images – vague, flowing, and twirling together in a dance of love.  Tammy never knew the history of Don Wroe’s cabin or what went on there.  But she knew the feeling of love, and this room was thick with it.  Tammy remembered entering rooms in homes, schools, restaurants and was amazed by the level of energy trapped there.  Some of it was so vile and brutal that she became ill.  But the energy that was trapped here, in Don Wroe’s master bedroom?  Tammy couldn’t believe it.  She wanted to know the names of the men whose loving energy is trapped in her granddad’s cabin.  When she was able to compose herself, Tammy pulled herself off the floor.  In a moment she knew that she could never sell the place…

Littlewing, you are brilliant. Your ideas for stories are always special, and your detailed telling brings it all to life! And I can feel the energy of those loving men wherever I go...they are always present.

Thank you for your lovely comments on my stories. I´ll send you a PM.

love, dagi


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Re: Sleepin (2)
« Reply #137 on: June 15, 2007, 03:17:52 am »
“I hope you can finish what you’re startin!”  It was Jack, trying to turn his arthritis ridden bones toward his love.  “You still think you can satisfy me, old man?”  Jack was only teasing as he placed a tender kiss on Ennis’ still luscious mouth.

“Just turn over, Rodeo, that is… if ya can!”  Ennis laughed as he returned Jack’s kiss.  He gently moved behind Jack’s still firm buttocks, but something was wrong!  Jack pushed up against him, but Ennis couldn’t do it.  He hung his head and silently cursed his aged body.  Jack noticed his lover’s change in mood and turned to face him straight on.

“It’s alright, it’s alright!”  Jack soothed as he cradled Ennis head in his leathery, age spotted hands.  “Here, just lay on my chest, just like the old days."  Jack soothed and rocked as Ennis settled in.  "Listen, you don’t have to do anything, Cowboy.  Just be with me!”  Jack whispered.  Ennis cuddled into his lover’s arms and wiped at the tears falling in a puddle on Jack’s chest.  Jack rocked them both to a satisfied slumber.

Littlewing, I love you. You wrote the sequel just the way it was in my mind. Sweet and sad. I´m just tearing up again... thank you for that one. It is so amazing how much we all love our boys.



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Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I'm sixty-four.

If only it had worked out that way, Dagi.   :)


Yes, Gary, that is what  I think all of us would have hoped for them.


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When Ennis woke, his fingers were still buried in Jack's hair, and he leaned close,  sifting through it, holding it to his lips, and then kissing the averted neck, once and then again, a surge of pleasure welling up, and he engulfed Jack in a bear hug that caused the sleeper to stir, startle, and then moan softly as he woke, captive in Ennis's arms.

"Huh, whuh?" Jack  mumbled, still groggy, lifting his head, and Ennis put his lips to that spot once more, fragrant with the salt of his sweat.

"C'mere boy, got somethin fer you."
“Mr. Coyote always gets me good, boy,”  Ellery said, winking.  “Almost forgot what life was like before I got me my own personal coyote.”