Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2368129 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Son Of A Bitch
« Reply #810 on: July 11, 2007, 12:38:11 am »
Here it is again, this time corrected by poor Susie. Its a long one, and not a light one, I´m sorry. Thank you Susiebell!

Son Of A Bitch by Dagi

They pressed their bodies together in a tight embrace, neither of them willing to let go, each trying to not let out a moan that would reveal how they felt every time they had to part, each trying to be strong for the other´s sake.
After what seemed an eternity, Ennis tried to pull back since he knew it was time for Jack to go, a long ride home waiting for him. But Jack didn´t let him, pulled him even closer.
„Son of a bitch, Ennis, why ya do this to me, hurts so much to have to let you go....can´t let you go...damn it...“, his words merely a choked whisper.
Ennis´ eyes filled with tears, he felt the same way but would rather bite off his tongue than admit it, for he knew it was because of him that they had to part again and again, so many times he had already lost count.
Jack didn´t dare think of that goddamn emptiness he would fall into again in Childress, an emptiness so empty he sometimes had to get drunk, not in order to not feel anything anymore, but to feel anything at all.
 „Why did ya do this to me, Jack?“ Ennis murmured hardly audible.
„Do what?“ „ Why d'ya make me love ya so much?“ he thought, looking at Jack, not bothering any more about hiding the tears in his dark eyes.
Jack ran his fingers through those beloved curls, took this beloved face in both his hands and kissed Ennis so tenderly, their lips scarcely touching, breathing and moaning into each other´s mouths, tongues meeting  sweet and wet and soft. The moans became louder, the desire stronger until Ennis whispered raucously „ Take me, Jack, please, do me once more, I want ta take ya home with me...“
Jack stared at him, surprised, but a second later he turned Ennis around, pressed him against the truck and with trembling hands he shoved down both their jeans. He hesitated a moment, almost unable to hold back once his erect member touched firm flesh, but Ennis thrusted back against him, moaning loud, his head lolling back, answer enough.
The urge overwhelmed Jack, and with an animal grunt he pushed in all the way in one, knowing he was causing pain without any lube at all, wishing it almost, anger and grief and rage running through him now in hot waves, oddly mixed up with desire, and he pushed in and pulled back and pushed in hard again, Ennis becoming silent, only breathing heavily, knowing he was getting punished in a way for doing this to Jack, for leaving him again and again, for refusing to give him what he was craving so much.
Despite the pain,  the feel of Jack inside of him, filling him up, taking him mercilessly, submitting him to his own will, excited him more that he would ever have dared to admit, and he felt that he was about to come without even touching himself, needing both hands to hold on to the truck for his legs threatened to give way under him.
Jack´s grip around Ennis´ hips became even stronger, he buried his nails in his victims flesh crying out loud when they came only seconds apart in wave after wave, Jack holding Ennis so close they became like one body.
There they stood shaking, faces wet with sweat and tears, aware that something inside of them had broken.
„Did I hurt you?“ Jack whispered when they had calmed down a little. “I´m sorry, didn´t mean to....well, maybe I did...“.
Ennis finally turned around, folded his love in his arms and stroke his face in a tender gesture.
„S´alright, Jack....s´alright“.

Dagi, I had to really search to find this one!  I'm not used to the new page count yet!  Anyway, this fic is so brilliant!  Very moving, tender and raw all at once.  You have woven a sort of psychological (sp?) drama here, Dagi.  You understand Ennis and Jack so well.  I can certainly imagine a parting like this!  Wonderful!  Beautiful writing!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Dagi's unnamed story part 2
« Reply #811 on: July 11, 2007, 12:40:37 am »
Well I AM very clever!    You're the clever one for picking up on most of them.  ... I was also trying to bring in a little of the final lake scene with Jack watching Ennis' truck disappear off down the road.

You're right Gary, it's so hard to write about the difficult moments .... I felt completely drained after I'd finished this one .... it's more fun to write about them with oiled up chests and tight leather pants!


I'm trying to muster the courage to tackle this scene, myself.  Perhaps someday I'll feel confident enough to write about the final lake scene - do it justice!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Smoking Pot
« Reply #812 on: July 11, 2007, 12:43:25 am »
Smoking Pot by Susie

The two middle aged men sat quietly staring out over the lake to the mountains beyond, silhouetted against the night sky. The sombre mood gradually lifted as they passed the joint back and forth between them.  Silence turned to chatter, chatter turned to raucous laughter. Jack leaned over suddenly, kissing his startled lover, deep and hard, “Sorry bud, just couldn’t resist those beautiful lips.” Ennis smiled, pulling him back, kissing him harder, seemed Ennis couldn’t resist either.

“Come on, let’s do it like we did first time!” Jack was a horny teenager, pulling at his jeans, giggling, and getting down on all fours. Ennis, thinking it was a fine idea, lowered his fly. He fumbled around in the dark, muttering to himself, and finally gave up, “Can’t find where to put it...”  Laughter erupted between them, bouncing off the peaks and echoing all around, they both collapsed on the ground.

“And you call me a Dumbass… Dumbass!” Jack, undeterred, climbed on top of Ennis, eyes hazy with a mixture of pot and lust, “You just lie there lil’ darlin’, I’ll show you where to put it!”


Brilliant, Susie!  I can't even find the words!  You really captured a very difficult scene and brought it to life.  You fleshed it out to the point that I'm almost sure it happened the way you describe!  Thanks for this, Susie!  I'm speechless!  :)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Admiration
« Reply #813 on: July 11, 2007, 12:45:48 am »
What?  You'd think that no one ever described what a a willie looked like before. 

I'd describe mine, but it'd be a short conversation.   >:(


 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Clever man!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Ennis' Masculinity
« Reply #814 on: July 11, 2007, 12:47:46 am »
Where did the secrets to masculinity lay; Ennis surely did not know.

Not terribly experienced, Ennis had kissed Alma deeply, fondled her tiny body but never transcended with her to a level where he knew he had no restraint; Ennis was a man and there was supposedly, his match.

Ennis desperately clutched Jack's bristly face with his rough hands; Jack's soft lips, the stubble on his handsome jaw and Jack's musky scent was a irresistible force that Ennis could not control.

Lovely, Toycoon!  Truly exciting!  If I had time tonight I would add to it.  Perhaps tomorrow?  I have a date in a few hours with Harry Potter!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #815 on: July 11, 2007, 12:52:06 am »
Yeah Gary,

If you haven't got a scanner, you could xerox it at Kinko's.

(That'd be appropriate!   ;D)

My God, Clyde is that you?  I had to take a closer look..I thought it was a picture of Jake!  My God, but you're a hottie!  Thanks for posting your pic, Clyde!  You're such a beauty!!!  vavavoommmmm!


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Re: Son Of A Bitch
« Reply #816 on: July 11, 2007, 05:53:26 am »
Dagi, I had to really search to find this one!  I'm not used to the new page count yet!  Anyway, this fic is so brilliant!  Very moving, tender and raw all at once.  You have woven a sort of psychological (sp?) drama here, Dagi.  You understand Ennis and Jack so well.  I can certainly imagine a parting like this!  Wonderful!  Beautiful writing!

Thank you so much for your kind words. As you maybe read I felt more than unsure about that story. All these lovely comments keep me writing, although I think every time "this was my last one, it kills my nerves."



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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #817 on: July 11, 2007, 05:57:31 am »



When someone here in the states describes something as a train wreck -- assuming he/she isn't referring to an actual train wreck -- he/she means that the thing in question is a bloody mess.  Something you wouldn't want to see.  Someone's house can be a train wreck.  A person's check book could be a train wreck.  Even a couple's marriage could be a train wreck.  And my ass just happens to be a train wreck.   ;D


Gary honey I can´t stand to hear you dragging yourself down like this. But if you are right about your ass, then you can easily make up for it showing your lovely front side more often  :D.



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« Reply #818 on: July 11, 2007, 07:11:28 am »
This one is for Susie!

Clay by Dagi

„What are ya giggling about?“ Ennis´ voice sleepy behind Jack.

Jack smiled. „Just thinking about.........that second night up on Brokeback. What it felt like when you................ slid into me slowly, so slowly...“

Fuck, even after some pot it was still so damn hard to actually talk about these things – but Ennis had asked.

„Felt so damn good, felt as if I was.......touching your cock with my fingertips..........could have made a model out of clay afterwards.....“

„Uh.------------and what are ya giggling about then?“

„Just pictured that model standing on the mantelpiece in my livingroom.“
« Last Edit: July 19, 2007, 06:07:02 am by Dagi »


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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #819 on: July 11, 2007, 07:48:30 am »
Did you see the post about the Smarten up - chat next saturday (14/july)?  At noon N.Y. time, that is:

Apia   Samoa   Sat 5:00 AM WST
San Francisco   U.S.A. - California   Sat 9:00 AM PDT *
Calgary   Canada - Alberta   Sat 10:00 AM MDT *
Denver   U.S.A. - Colorado   Sat 10:00 AM MDT *
Dallas   U.S.A. - Texas   Sat 11:00 AM CDT *
Chicago   U.S.A. - Illinois   Sat 11:00 AM CDT *
Toronto   Canada - Ontario   Sat 12:00 Noon EDT *
Rochester   U.S.A. - New York   Sat 12:00 Noon EDT *
New York   U.S.A. - New York   Sat 12:00 Noon EDT *
St. John's   Canada - Newfoundland and Labrador   Sat 1:30 PM NDT *
Dublin   Ireland   Sat 5:00 PM IST *
Glasgow   U.K. - Scotland   Sat 5:00 PM BST *
London   U.K. - England   Sat 5:00 PM BST *
Madrid   Spain   Sat 6:00 PM CEST *
Paris   France   Sat 6:00 PM CEST *
Brussels   Belgium   Sat 6:00 PM CEST *
Amsterdam   Netherlands   Sat 6:00 PM CEST *
Oslo   Norway   Sat 6:00 PM CEST *
Copenhagen   Denmark   Sat 6:00 PM CEST *
Rome   Italy   Sat 6:00 PM CEST *
Berlin   Germany - Berlin   Sat 6:00 PM CEST *
Stockholm   Sweden   Sat 6:00 PM CEST *
Seoul   South Korea   Sun 1:00 AM KST
Melbourne   Australia - Victoria   Sun 2:00 AM EST
Auckland   New Zealand   Sun 4:00 AM NZST

Gary, get that damn set-up, and quick!
