Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2826204 times)

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Ennis' Masculinity
« Reply #840 on: July 12, 2007, 08:46:59 am »
Beautiful, Toycoon!  Just perfect.  Jack is everything Ennis wants and needs.  Very well written, thought-provoking story.  Thanks!  I don't know how you pack so much emotion into three sentences...!  You're amazing.
Gee whiz, thank you, Spicey!

Toycoon, I saw pics of you on your horse at Colorado, and with David, too.  What a handsome couple you are!  You're a hottie!!

Spiceylife, my head's gonna swell up like a balloon if you go on like that. By all means, please, go on!

"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Toycoon

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Jack's Masculinity
« Reply #841 on: July 12, 2007, 09:16:03 am »
Jack's emotions tended to be nearer to the surface, so his feelings for Ennis were of no surprise to him nor did they conflict with Jack's perception of masculinity.

Jack had been infatuated with several people throughout his adolescence but he had never truly connected to another like he did with his new friend;  Ennis seemed to embody everything Jack could have wanted from a companion.

Jack on his hands and knees held his breath as Ennis pressed himself to Jack's button then forced his turgid flesh into Jack's muscular behind; the initial pain gave way to deep pleasure Jack had not experienced before in his young life and he knew now, that he was hooked.
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline spiceylife

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The Longest Night
« Reply #842 on: July 12, 2007, 10:21:15 am »
I posted this on the 'other' board, but only posted half of it because it is AO/NC-17.  I think Toycoon read the whole thing, but I've altered some parts since then.  Man, I hope this is alright to post...

The Longest Night by spiceylife

Jack awoke to the sound of running water, swung long legs off a sagging mattress and padded across the floor, barefoot and naked.  Pulling a smoke from the pocket of his shirt discarded carelessly the night before, Jack lit it and drew back deeply, rubbing eyes that were still heavy from too little sleep.  His boyish face lit up as he smiled easily to himself, recalling a long night filled with laughter, friendship, sweet memories, sex of every description, and his lover, Ennis Del Mar.

Jack shook his head in delight and sighed happily, not quite believing that he was here, with Ennis again, the one who would always have Jack’s heart now, no matter what.  He flopped down on the bed, loose and relaxed, almost childlike, then slid himself up and sat with his back against the headboard, one knee casually drawn up, ashtray balanced on the other thigh, smoking his cigarette in comfort.  Jack flicked ash from his smoke, his mind still thinking on the night spent with Ennis.  He felt a sudden need to ingrain everything that had just happened into his mind, to cover that fragile seed of new memories they’d made last night, protecting them from the sad and certain knowledge that even the best of memories fade and grow dull with time.  Jack had read something once, in one of his mamma’s books.  It had said, “Memory is the scribe of the soul” and Jack had remembered that, all these years.  He wasn’t sure he knew exactly what this really meant, or even what a scribe was, but to Jack, it sounded important, and, more than anything, he knew his own soul wanted to keep Ennis close and safe, and remembered.

And Jack needed to remember this night forever; needed to remember every kiss, every thrust and push and grunt, every lick and suck, hands that felt and pulled and touched and stroked and probed everywhere, the motion of bodies moving in and out, hard, then soft, then hard again.  His mind ran an erotic slideshow of fingers inside, lips parted, tongues meeting, rubbing, gyrating, hips held bruisingly tight, and the sweet smell and feel of sweaty, urgent sex.  He heard again the delicious moaning and panting as each man gave himself over to this need, climaxes were reached and the taste of love lingered on Jack’s lips, the bloom of love in his heart; back then, long ago on the mountain, and still now, far stronger… 

Suddenly, Jack saw movement from the corner of his eye.  He turned his head slightly to look, watching through the sliver of open bathroom door, a few feet away.  He barely noticed the ancient, crooked mirror on the wall above the sink, its silver lining peeling and discolored, because he was entranced by what he could see clearly from where he lay on the bed.  Reflected in the shabby mirror was Ennis Del Mar, showering, his naked beauty a vision that chased all rational thought from Jack’s mind.  His cigarette dangled, forgotten, from his lips, gray ash growing long and threatening to fall on Jack’s chest at any second.

Jack’s eyes travelled over Ennis’s reflection, completely absorbed by the beauty of this man.  Ennis’s eyes were closed, his head back, hands running through his blond locks, turned curly and dark by the water.  Jack watched intently as Ennis turned, soaped up, and ran the soapy washcloth over his lean, muscular back.  He faced the mirror again, and Jack’s breath quickened as Ennis rubbed the cloth over his toned and tanned chest, the chest that Jack had pressed against as he lay on top of Ennis last night and kissed him deeply, putting all his heart into that kiss.  Jack had even felt Ennis’s heart beating madly beneath him, through his own chest.  He watched the soapy water run over brown nipples he had licked and sucked and played with just hours before, and felt a familiar stirring begin in his groin.  Christ, but Ennis is beautiful! 

Ennis turned again, and Jack held his breath as the other man ran the soapy cloth over his firm ass, frothy bubbles running down his crack in a most sensual way.  Jack was entranced, remembering… his tongue moving all over that ass crack the previous night as Ennis lay on his stomach, pillows stuffed under his groin and legs spread wide.  Jack had not been surprised when Ennis pulled away momentarily, gasping.  He waited, whispering soothing words to Ennis as he patiently rubbed the small of his back.  Pleasure flowed through Jack when Ennis eventually gathered himself, visibly relaxed, then asked for more.  Jack kissed Ennis’s right buttock gently and parted his cheeks with both hands, transfixed by the sight of Ennis in such a vulnerable, open position, and moved almost to tears that Ennis trusted Jack enough to allow him in.

He went at it again, lapping hungrily behind Ennis, encircling and tasting, then stiffening his tongue to push inside his lover, probing his body over and over again.  Ennis groaned and panted his desire out loud, eyes closed tight and clutching the cheap headboard so tightly that Jack heard it splinter.  Ennis pushed his ass back into Jack’s face, clearly revelling in this erotic sensation.  Ennis’s scent and taste were divine, an earthy and masculine aphrodisiac, and Jack’s orgasm was tantalizingly close, the trembling pressure building in his cock as his hot tongue entered Ennis’s hole, keeping a wild, intoxicating rhythm.

Jack was breathing fast now, his pulse racing as he watched Ennis bathe himself.  His lover seemed oblivious to the approving eyes on him as he washed.  The throbbing, steady heat intensified between Jack’s legs as Ennis turned once more, and Jack’s eyes moved lovingly down to one of the most exquisite parts of his man.  Jack’s mind flickered back a few hours, to when that beautiful dick had felt like a part of Jack himself… a feeling of contentment washing over Jack as he took it into his mouth, swirling his tongue over the large head and along the firm, velvety shaft, sucking hard, relaxing his throat so Ennis could fuck his mouth good and deep.  Jack loved Ennis’s strong hands in his hair, pulling a little, holding Jack’s head steady as he pushed his heavy cock past full, wet lips moist with spit and precome.

Jack felt it to the very core of his being; an unshakeable bond with this man, as if he and Ennis were one, meant to be together, just like this, always…

Then Ennis lay on top of him, his tongue licking seductively along Jack’s bottom lip, kissing him so sweetly as he pushed into Jack, a little at a time, moving slow for fear of hurting him.  Jack clenched his teeth, threw one leg over Ennis’s back, quickly forced himself to adjust and then his hips took over, as if with a mind of their own.  He moaned into Ennis’s mouth, all hot and helpless, and then couldn’t stop himself, rotating his hips in a slow, sensual circle, pushing up towards Ennis, holding on, begging Ennis to fuck him, and quickly. 

Jack remembered sweat dripping off both of them, he remembered staring into Ennis’s gentle eyes and wanting this man in his life forever, and he remembered Ennis fucking him and kissing him deeply at the same time, the most erotic and beautiful moments in Jack’s life always, always coming with Ennis.  It would never be any other way.

Jack tried to settle his breathing, glanced down at himself and grinned, noticing that he was hard.  He dropped the cigarette, burnt out now, into the ashtray, and looked back again to the bathroom mirror, back to the part of Ennis his eyes had been lingering on just seconds before.  Jack gave a start, almost dropping the ashtray to the floor.  A moment ago, Ennis had been soft and flaccid, but now his dick was as stiff as Jack’s, water and soap bubbles cascading over it, the loveliest sight Jack had ever seen.  Jack raised his deep blue eyes up to Ennis’s face, wanting Ennis so much, only to find soft brown eyes lusting, watching him right back through the mirror’s reflection.  Ennis had finally seen Jack on the bed, seen the reaction he caused between Jack’s legs, his own body responding instantly in the same heated, natural way.

Through the bathroom mirror they watched each other, chests heaving as their breathing grew heavier, their need to be together obvious, until Ennis, with a dazzling smile, held his hand out for Jack to join him in the shower.  Jack leapt off the bed, dropping the ashtray in his hurry, and was across the room in seconds, taking Ennis’s hand and slamming the door shut behind him.


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Re: Jack's Masculinity
« Reply #843 on: July 12, 2007, 04:22:49 pm »
Jack's emotions tended to be nearer to the surface, so his feelings for Ennis were of no surprise to him nor did they conflict with Jack's perception of masculinity.

Jack had been infatuated with several people throughout his adolescence but he had never truly connected to another like he did with his new friend;  Ennis seemed to embody everything Jack could have wanted from a companion.

Jack on his hands and knees held his breath as Ennis pressed himself to Jack's button then forced his turgid flesh into Jack's muscular behind; the initial pain gave way to deep pleasure Jack had not experienced before in his young life and he knew now, that he was hooked.

Woah, Toycoon. Love it. You make us slip into Jack (sorry for that pun ;D).



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Re: The Longest Night
« Reply #844 on: July 12, 2007, 04:28:34 pm »
.....transfixed by the sight of Ennis in such a vulnerable, open position, and moved almost to tears that Ennis trusted Jack enough to allow him in.

Spiceylife, I knew it would be worth waiting..... I have to recover first before I can write something....

Incredible, the images you are able to evoke in my mind. The line I quoted moved me to tears.

Thank you !!!



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Re: Reverb
« Reply #845 on: July 12, 2007, 04:46:32 pm »
Reverb by garycottle

......Tyler gently placed his hand on Daniel’s cheek and brought his face to his.  When their lips touched the bargain was set.

Oh Gary, I´m in a loss for words. (Me.)

That was a sweet tale, so sweet. And of course it made me think of our boys and what could have been had it been so easy for them to speak about

their feelings.

And it was sexy as hell :D :D :D!

First I thought, oh no Gary that´s just not fair to post so long a story at this time, I want to go to bed! But I couldn´t refuse to start reading... and got

hooked. Now I´ve got some nice ideas to go to bed with :laugh:.


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Re: The Commercial
« Reply #846 on: July 12, 2007, 11:32:28 pm »
I love this scene of domestic bliss ... beautiful littlewing!  I so wish it had been like this for them always! 


Thanks, Susie.   AU is my salvation.  I'll have them together and happy as often as I can.

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Re: Lucise Fanart
« Reply #847 on: July 12, 2007, 11:34:38 pm »
Guys ... you have GOT to see this.  It's one of Lucise's wallpapers.  I'm sitting here crying like a baby looking at it.  This SHOULD have been the sweet life they deserved....



I especially like the one of them kissing while dressed up for a formal evening out!  You're right, Susie..these are awesome!

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Re: Clay
« Reply #848 on: July 12, 2007, 11:37:56 pm »
Does that mean  it´s surprising if I manage to write a good one ? ??? ;D

Good heavens no!  I meant (and I should have been more clear) that I didn't anticipate the direction you were going with the tale.  And it is really good!

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Re: The Commercial
« Reply #849 on: July 12, 2007, 11:39:24 pm »
What a lovely little tale, Marie! At least on of us remembers every now and then that it´s not all about sex between our boys :laugh:.
I like it especially when Ennis laughs. It makes me recall that movie scene where Jack makes this rodeoin thing and falls to the ground. Ennis´ laughter and face are priceless.


Thanks, Dagi!