I must be honest, I was not a viewer/fan of The Sopranos, so I can't tell you anything about it!
Ha! It took me years. I watched the whole thing in, I think, 2015 -- and the early episodes show Tony Soprano driving past the Twin Towers!
Once I started watching it, I watched it every night (one episode per night) for all six or however many seasons. I thought it was was really good, although it may not be to your taste.
It's my understanding that the show is based in the NJ/NYC area, but I don't know if they were in Bloomfield in the show, or if Holsten's was just an unnamed NJ location.
As I recall it was just some unidentified place they went out for dinner, although at the time I didn't really pay attention.
All you'd have to watch to see if it's familiar is the opening credits ... I was going to say, if you ever have a chance to see them, then I remembered we're in the modern age! No need to wait, if you're interested.
It's a fairly long opening credits (1:37, though it seems longer) and it's all taken from in and around Tony Soprano's car as he drives from Manhattan to his home in a posh NJ neighborhood, passing various landmarks and less posh neighborhoods. I assume it was shot on location, and some of the scenery may be familiar to you. (Don't feel obliged to watch if you'd rather not -- I just thought I'd post it in case you're interested. It's not violent.)