Hiya BetterMost friends.

Weather here in NJ has been crazy yesterday and today.
Yesterday we spent the day being pounded by Tropical Storm Fay. The rains started around 10:00 in the morning, and kept on for about 10 hours or so. The coastal areas suffered flooding.
This morning things seemed calmer, it was partly cloudy. Then, about 90 minutes ago, it got dark and heavy rains pounded us, and we had thunder and lightning. Then it stopped for about 15 minutes, and then a new storm happened, and then it stopped, and then just a few minutes ago, it happened again. Now, we have sun.
I went to a friend's new townhouse today. My former supervisor (but still my coworker) and her twin 6 year-old girls have been living with her mother and younger brother in their townhouse. It was cramped, and she needed more space for both her and the girls. I was talking with her on the phone Friday (yesterday), and she told me that they've officially moved into their own place, and I know what she went through to get this townhouse. She worked with multiple programs in the state to get all the first homeowner benefits and deals that she could, and she visited multiple homes for them. Finally, her bid was accepted and when she closed, it was a big deal because it happened during the whole Covid scare, and it felt like it was never going to happen. Then there was the drama of finding a moving company to help with the move during the pandemic, and a delay with the girls' beds.
Anyway, I spoke with her on Friday and she tells me that there is an issue with their dining room table, and it won't be delivered until the end of August. They were making due by eating on the floor, picnic style. I knew this would get real tired really quickly, so I told her I had a folding banquet table that I was not using, and I was willing to bring it to her today. She was extremely grateful, and I got to have a quick tour of her new place.